Webinars Testimonials

Ayush Singh Rathore
Gautam Puri sir, King of King Makers

Pradipta Das
Seriously I was wondering if he ever needs to solve any question in the traditional way !!!

Avnish Mishra
The e-SQC was single most important session in my CAT journey.

Garima Singh
Your SQC helped a lot. My sis (who is also giving CAT this year) and I have verbified your approach. So for every question that we solve using your method or any other shortcut, we call it “GP-ing the sum” or “pulling a GP

I also want to thank u for for your marvelous job on IRMA GK. when i was giving my exam, approx 50% questions were directly related to your webinar & IRMA question bank at sis.thanks a lot.

Akshay Bhandari
Thanks sir...thanks a lot sir....your webinar was excellent...it really helped me a lot....many questions came as it is...like state with highest number of tribal population...father of green revolution...rbi monetary policy...fiscal policy....largest milk producer.....thnks a lot sir...will be attending your IIFT gk session as well...!!!

Deepesh kumar
Thanks Sir. Your book was awesome and helped a lot.

Rahul Sharma
Thank you Sir. I appreciate. One other thing, the interface CL provides to its students via videos and say like this, where I can directly contact you is unmatched. Such terrific work ethic and service to its users have won CL many hearts.I hope this sincerity shall continue pushing CL to become an education powerhouse some day which our country sorely needs. Thank you..
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CLAT 2014 Exam Analysis with team of LST Experts
Date: 11th May, Time: 7.00 PM
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