Chairman's message to aspiring candidates
"Imagination, skills and work ethic are some of the elements of the secret sauce called success. Remember, each of these is mission critical. Even if one of those is missing, the outcomes won't be visible.
However, when these are available and, in abundance in a youth or a team, the magic begins to happen. Are you the one who brings this to CL? Are you the one who is excited to make a difference to the world through education, research, and training. Do you love to work with a platform like CL Educate?
This is a once in a 350-year opportunity for India to rise again to the top of nations. Education and youth are going to play a crucial part in this journey over the next decade. CL Would love to play a part through her innovation and trustworthy execution. Join us, if this is exciting to you.
To join Team CL, send your resume to "