Statistics-Sample Papers

Maximum marks: 25
Maximum time: 40 minutes
1.   Find the median of the following distribution: 2
Class Interval Frequency
0-10 4
10-20 4
20-30 7
30-40 10
40-50 12
50-60 8
60-70 5
Total 50
2.   Find the mean of the following data: 2
Class 0-50 50-100 100-150 150-200 200-250
Frequency 15 20 35 20 10
3.   The mean of a distribution is 50. Determine value of ā€˜gā€™ 3
Class 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100
Frequency 17 g 32 24 19
4.   Find the median of the following data: 2
Class interval Frequency
0-10 5
10-20 8
20-30 23
30-40 17
40-50 7
50-60 8
5.   Find value of ā€˜qā€™ when mean is 47. 3
Class 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100
Frequency 8 15 20 q 5
6.   The following table shows the ages of staff members in a office. 4
Age 18-27 27-36 36-45 45-54 54-63
Number of
6 11 21 23 14
        Find mean and the mode
7.   Find the mean, mode and median of the following data: 6
Class Frequency
0-20 12
20-40 13
40-60 6
60-80 7
80-100 8
100-120 14
120-140 13
8.   The median of the following data is 52.5. Find value of x and y if the final frequency is 100. 3
Class Frequency
0-10 5
10-20 2
20-30 X
30-40 12
40-50 20
50-60 17
60-70 Y
70-80 7
80-90 9
90-100 4