CBSE being one of India’s most prestigious and preferred boards conducts the Class 10 board exams annually for those schools affiliated to the CBSE board across the country. CBSE is known for its comprehensive syllabus and well-structured examination pattern. Every year, the date sheet for the respective exams is released in the month of March i.e. a month before the commencement of the examination. The results are announced by CBSE for these exams in the month of May.
Students prepare throughout the academic year to score well in their class 10 Board exams. Their performance in these exams helps them to select the various streams they are interested to pursue which eventually helps them decides their future courses. If they have an idea regarding the previous year question paper analysis, it will help them develop an understanding of the pattern of the questions asked and also the type of questions that appear in the CBSE question papers. This will eventually help the students in their preparation for the upcoming board exams & to perform well and qualify with flying colours.
We at Tuition bring the yearly exam analysis especially prepared by our expert faculty members for you.