Important Questions
1. Explain the nature of principles of management?
2. What do you mean by optimum utilization of resources & effective administration?
3. Discuss the following principles briefly:-
- Division of work
- Discipline
- Subordination of individual Interest to general interest
4. Write the difference between unity of command and unity of direction?
5. What does principle of initiative indicates?
1. Principles of management are not:-
(a) absolute
(b) Behavioral
(c) universal
(d) Flexible
2. Principles of management are significant because of:-
(a) Initiative
(b) Increase in efficiency
(c) Optimum utilization of resources
(d) Adaptation to changing technology
3. Henry Fayol was a
(a) scientist
(b) Accountant
(c) Mining Engineer
(d) Farmer
4. Which of the following is not a principle by Henry Fayol?
(a) Division of work
(b) Harmony not discord
(c) Discipline
(d) Unity of command
5. Management should find the one best way to perform a task. Which technique of management
states that:-
(a) Time study
(b) Motion study
(c) Fatigue study
(d) Method study