Chapter 1: Indian Economy on the eve of independence

Important Questions

1. Explain the condition of agriculture at time of independence?

2. What was the two fold motive of the colonial government behind the policy of systematically deindustrializing India?

3. What do you mean by capital goods industry?

4. Explain the following briefly

  1. Competition from machine
  2. New pattern of Demands
  3. Discriminatory Tariff policy

5. Explain the condition of foreign trade at the time of independence?

Sample Questions

1. What was the focus of the economic policies persuaded by the colonial government in India? What were the impacts of these policies?

2. Explain the occupational structure of India during colonial period?

3. What objectives did the British intend to achieve through their policies of infrastructure development of India?

4. Indicate the volume and direction of trade at the time of independence.

5. Were there any positive contributions made by the British in India? Discuss.