Chapter 12: Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems

Important Questions

1. Mention the root cause of ‘acid rains’.

2. Name two diseases caused by use of contaminated water.
Which diseases may take place due to contaminated water?

3. Mention any two sources of land pollution in India.

4. Which city is the main polluter of River Yamuna?

5. Which is the main source of environmental pollution in India?

6. Which is the main source of waterborne diseases in India? Name any one water-borne disease.

7. Mention any two cultural activities responsible for water pollution in India.

Sample Questions

1. “Indiscriminate use of water by increasing population and industrial expansion has led to degradation of the quality of water considerably.” Evaluate the statement.

2. Examine the success of watershed management programme implemented in Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh.

3. How do industries pollute India’s water bodies? Explain with examples.

4. Describe the problem of slums in India.

5. Suggest measures for reduction of land degradation.

6. “Air pollution is very harmful to flora, fauna and property.” Explain any three values which can help in maintaining pollution free air to some extent.