Chapter 1: Human Geography Nature and Scope

Important Questions

1. What does technology indicate?

2. Define Geography in the words of Ellen C. Sample.

3. What is the new concept of Griffith Taylor in the field of Human geography? Describe this concept with examples.

4. Explain the concept of Possibilism with suitable examples.

5. “The nature and human beings are so intricately intertwined that they can’t be separated”. Substantiate the statement.

Sample Questions

1. Define Human Geography in your own words. Mention any four fields of Human geography.

2. “There is mutual interaction between the elements of Physical Geography and Human Geography”. Support the statement with suitable examples.

3. ‘The primitive communities lived in complete harmony with their natural environment and as such the humans were naturalised.” Support the statement

4. “Nature and humans are inseparable elements”. Justify the statement with suitable examples.