Chapter 5: Land Resources and Agriculture

Important Questions

1. How is the productive irrigation able to achieve high productivity in India?

2. What is the main objective of productive irrigation in India?

3. How would you distinguish between net sown area and gross cropped area?

4. Why is the strategy of increasing cropping intensity important in a country like India?

5. How do you measure total cultivable land?

Sample Questions

1. "Land degradation caused by human made processes are more harmful than natural processes in India." Analyse the statement with suitable example.
Explain any three factors responsible for land degradation in India.

2. Classify rainfed farming of India into two categories on the basis of adequacy of soil moisture during cropping season. Explain any two features of each.

3. Describe any three characteristics of 'wetland farming' in India.

4. State any two characteristics each of the three distinct 'cropping seasons' of India.

5. Give the desired conditions for the growth of cotton.