Chapter 7: Mineral and Energy Resources

Important Questions

1. 'The non-conventional sources of energy will provide more sustained, eco-friendly and cheaper energy if the initial cost is taken care of." Examine the statement.

2. Explain the significance of bio-energy to human kind in India.

3. "The promotion of the use of non- conventional sources of energy in India is the need of the hour." Support the statement.

4. Electricity is one of the greatest inventions of all times. It is mostly generated by using coal, natural gas and petroleum, which are exhaustible resources. Can you imagine the human society without electricity? This may happen in future, when all energy resources will be exhausted. Explain the values that can change this possible darkness scenario.

5. Give two advantages of wind energy. Mention four states of India having favourable conditions for the development of wind energy.

Sample Questions

1. Distinguish between thermal electricity and hydro-electricity by stating three points.

2. Which are the two main ferrous minerals found in India? Describe four characteristics of each.

3. Name five sources of non-conventional energy in India and also state one potential area of each source of non- conventional energy.

4. What are ferrous minerals? What is the status of these minerals in India?

5. Why is India endowed with a rich variety of mineral resources?