Chapter 11: Revels and the Raj

Important Questions

1. On which ground was Awadh annexed by British?

2. What's the difference between mutiny and revolt?

3. What were the consequences of summary settlement of 1857?

4. What were the rumors behind the revolt of 1857?

5. How did the Britishers captured Lucknow?

Sample Questions

1. The large majority of the sepoys of the Bengal Army were recruited from which regions? [CBSE 2017]

2. How did changes occur in the building pattern of colonial cities after the revolt of 1857 ? Cite any two examples. [CBSE 2014]

3. The relationship of the Indian sepoys with their superior white officers underwent a significant change in 1840s and 1850s.” Explain. [CBSE 2013]

4. Explain how rumours and prophecies played an important part in moving people to action during the revolt of 1857. [CBSE 2015]