Chapter 1: Bricks, Beads and Bones

Important Questions

1. How was the eating behaviour of the Harappan people?

2. Name the places where special objects of Harappan civilization like seals, beads, weights, stone blades and baked bricks were found?

3. What agricultural products and animal remains have been found at Harappan sites?

4. What material was used to make the beads ?

5. What were the characteristics of the Great Bath?

Sample Questions

1. Carefully planned drainage system was one of the distinctive features of Harappan cities? Support the statement [CBSE 2021]

2. Give a brief note about the Harappan script

3. Mesopotamian texts datable to the third millennium BCE refer to copper coming from which region? [CBSE 2018]

4. Mention any source of irrigation used by Harappans for agriculture [CBSE 2021]

5. The most unique feature of the Harappan civilization was the development of domestic architecture." Substantiate the statement [CBSE 2019 - Outside Delhi]