Chapter 4: Alternative Centres of Power

Important Questions

1. When was the European Union established? Mention any two kinds of influence that were exercised by the European Union, (All India to 2008)

2. How has the European Union evolved over time from an economic union to an increasingly political one? (Delhi 2015)
What led the evolution of the European Union from an economic union to an increasingly political one?
(Delhi 2011)

3. How did the European Union exercise its political and diplomatic influence? (Delhi 2008)

4. Mention any four common features of the European Union. Delhi 2008; (All India 2008)

5. Evaluate any three major factors responsible for making the European Union a political force from economic forces. (Delhi 2016)

Sample Questions

1. Analyse any two factors responsible for the European Union to be a highly influential regional organisation. (All India 2015)
Evaluate the role of the European Union as a supranational organisation. (All India 2011, 2009)
How has the European Union risen to be a super-national organisation? What are its limitations? (All India 2008)

2. Why was ASEAN established? (Delhi 2016)

3. Assess the role of ASEAN as an economic association. (All India 2016)
Why does ASEAN still remain principally an economic community? (Delhi 2015)

4. Explain any two causes which led to the formation of ASEAN. (All India 2013)

5. Explain the vision of the ASEAN for 2020. (Delhi 2009)