Chapter 5: Contemporary South Asia

Important Questions

1. Mention the names of any four countries of South Asia. (All India to 2008)

2. Mention any four names of the countries belonging to the SAARC. (All India 2013)
Name the member countries of SAARC? (Delhi 2009, All Indin 2009)
Mention any two member nations of SAARC. (All India 2009)

3. State any two reasons for the instability of democracy in Pakistan. (Delhi 2014)

4. Analyse the two political developments of 1940s that led to the decision for the creation of Pakistan. (All India 2017)

5. Explain any two common features relevant to the countries of South Asia. (All India [C] 2008)

6. How is democratisation going on in Nepal since 1990? (All India 2013)

7. Whose mediation resolved the ‘Indus River Waters Dispute’ between India and Pakistan? (All Indio 2012)

Sample Questions

1. What were the two main consequences of Indo-Pakistan conflict of 1971? (All India 2013)

2. Explain any two reasons for the popular struggle in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) against West Pakistan during 1971. (Delhi 2014)

3. What does SAARC stand for? Highlight its any three main objectives. (All India 2013)

4. Explain India’s changing relationship with Pakistan. (Delhi 2011)

5. Name the countries included in South Asia. How can peace and cooperation be enhanced in this region? (Delhi Board 2010)
What is meant by SAARC? How can peace and cooperation be enhanced through it? (Delhi 2010)

6. What are the major differences between the SEC and the European Union as alternative centres of power? (HOTS; All India 2011)

7. Like India, why could democracy not take roots in Pakistan despite the fact that both the countries share a common past? (All India 2011)
Explain the factors responsible for Pakistan’s failure in building a stable democracy. Describe any two pro-democracy factors present in Pakistan which can pave the way for establishing a lasting democratic set up over there. (All indin 2010)

8. Analyse the common problems of South Asian countries. (HOTS; All India 2011)

9. Who controls the North-Eastern parts of Sri Lanka? (All India 2014)