Chapter 8: Environment and Natural Resources

Important Questions

1. Which one of the two is more essential-construction of mega-dams or an environmental movement that opposes it and why? (Imp.) (Delhi 2016)

2. Why should the ‘environmental concerns’ be part of contemporary global politics? (Delhi 2009; All India 2008)

3. Define indigenous population. (All India 2009)

4. Which world summit conference was held at Rio in 1992? (All India 2009)

5. Why were India and China exempted from the Kyoto Protocol? (All India 2008)

Sample Questions

1. Suggest any two steps to be taken by the government to check pollution and save environment. (Delhi 2015)

2. Identify the most important outcome of the Rio summit. (All India 2015)
Mention any two outcomes of the Rio summit. (Delhi 2010)

3. Define geopolitics. (All India 2012, 2011)
What is meant by geopolitics? (Delhi 2011)

4. Why do indigenous people need special protection to protect their rights? (Delhi 2011)
Explain the most obvious threat to the survival of indigenous people. (Delhi 2010)

5. What is meant by ‘common property’? (All India 2009)