Chapter 6: International Organisations

Important Questions

1. Mention any one function of the World Bank. (Delhi 2013)

2. Mention the main function of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). (All India 2013)

3. How many founder states signed the United Nations Charter in 1945? (Delhi 2012)

4. State the main objective of the ‘Human Rights Watch.’ (Delhi 2011)

5. What is the main function of Amnesty International? (All India 2011)

Sample Questions

1. What is meant by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)? (Delhi 2010)

2. What is Amnesty International? State its main functions? (Delhi 2016)

3. Mention any two functions of the World Bank. (All India 2014)

4. List any two functions of the General Assembly of the UN. (Delhi 2010)

5. State any two objectives of the Human Rights Watch. (Delhi 2010)