Chapter 2: Era of One-party Dominance

Important Questions

1. During the first three general elections, Congress won more seats than any other party. Which party stood at number two during these elections? (All India 2014)

2. Who was the founder of Bhartiya Jana Sangh? (All India 2014)

3. How did the dominance of Congress Party in the first three general elections help in establishing a democratic set-up in India? (Delhi 2015)

4. In spite of token representation in the Indian legislatures during the fifties, what role did the opposition parties play? (All India 2014)

5. Highlight any two features of the ideology of Bhartiya Jana Sangh. (Delhi 2014)

Mention any two important features of Bhartiya Jana Sangh’s ideology. (All India 2013)

Sample Questions

1. Explain the major difference of ideology between that of the Congress and the Jana Sangh. (Delhi 2014)

2. When was the Election Commission of India set-up? Who was its first Chief Election Commissioner? (All India 2013: Delhi 2010)

3. How did the Congress Party succeed in mainta-ining its dominance till 1967? (All India 2011)

4. How has the method of voting changed from the General Election of 1952 to the General Election of 2004? (Delhi 2009)

5. Explain any four reasons for the dominance of the Congress Party in the first three general elections. (All India 2016, Delhi 2013)
Describe any four factors which were responsible for the dominance of the Congress Party in India till 1967. (Delhi 2011)

6. ““Congress had remained a social and ideological coalition for a long period” Justify the statement. (All India 2013)