Chapter 9: Recent Developments in Indian Politics

Important Questions

1. When was the Mandal Commission set-up? Describe any two recommendations of this commission. (Delhi 2015)
How was the main recommendation of Mandal Commission? How was it implemented? (Delhi 2008)

2. Describe the era of multi-party system in India after 1989. (Delhi 2015)

3. Describe any four major developments in Indian politics since 1989. (Delhi 2015)
Describe any two developments witnessed by India after 1990. (All India 2011)
Describe briefly any four main developments, witnessed by the country from 1989 to 1992. (All India 2008)

4. Describe any three points of consensus that emerged among most political parties in India in spite of severe competition and conflicts. (All India 2015)
Highlight any three issues on which a broad agreement has emerged among most of the political parties in India. (All India 2013)
In the midst of severe competition and many conflicts in 1989, a consensus appeared to have emerged among most parties. Explain any three points of consensus. (All India 2012)
Explain any three elements of consensus which have emerged among most political parties after the Lok Sabha elections of 2004. (All India 2011)
‘Inspite of serious differences between major national political parties, emergence of new consensus is being viewed with interest’. In the light of this statement describe any three consensus. (Delhi 2010)
Coalition government is a bane or boon for democracy in India’. Explain any three arguments in support of your answer. (Delhi 2011)

Sample Questions

1. From 1989 to 2004, there have been nine coalition governments in India. Analyse the rise and fall of any two such coalition governments. (Delhi 2010)
“The era of coalition in India started in 1989, which has come to stay in a big way.” Do you agree? Substantiate your answer by any three arguments. (All India 2010)

2. Name the founder of Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP). (Delhi 2011)

3. Which two diametrically opposite political groups supported the National Front Government in 1989? (All India 2011)

4. What was the main reason for the anti-Muslim riots in Gujarat in 2002? (All India 2011; Delhi 2011)

5. What is meant by ‘coalition’? During which period did this type of government gain popularity for the first time at the centre in India. (Delhi 2010)