Chapter 2: Era of One-party Dominance

Important Questions

1. Highlight any one feature of the multi-polar world as visualized by both Russia and India. (All India 2017)

2. Define ‘Bipolarity’. (Delhi 2015)

3. The transition from an authoritarian socialist system to democratic capitalism was influenced by the IMF and the World Bank. What was this transition known as? (All India 2010)

4. Which two republics of the USSR have had violent secessionist movements at the time of its disintegration? (Delhi 2010)

5. Why is it said that the collapse of the Berlin Wall signified the collapse of the bipolar world? (HOTS: Delhi; 2011.2009)

Sample Questions

1. Describe any four consequences of ‘Shock Therapy’. (Delhi 2014)

2. Describe any three consequences of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. (All India 2011)

3. Describe the role of Gorbachev to reform the Soviet system and the effects of these reforms on the USSR. (Delhi 2015)

4. Describe the factors that make most of the former Soviet Republics prone to conflicts and threats. (Delhi 2015)
(i) Give any three examples to show that most of the former Soviet Republics were prone to conflicts and tensions. (Delhi 2013)