Chapter 4: Psychological Disorders

Important Questions

1. What is separation anxiety disorder?

2. Mention any two approaches to foster positive self-esteem in children?

3. Mention any two measures suggested by WHO for prevention for suicides.

4. What is Schizophrenia? What are the Symptoms of Schizophrenia?

5. What do you understand by substance abuse and dependence? (Outside Delhi 2009, Delhi Board 2014)

Sample Questions

1. What do you understand by the term ‘dissociation’? Discuss its various forms. (Delhi Board 2008, 2010)

2. What are phobias? If someone had an intense fear of snakes, could this simple phobia be a result of faulty learning? Analyse how this phobia could have developed.

3. Describe the characteristics of children with hyperactivity.

4. Describe Dissociative Disorders.