Chapter 12: Mass Media and Communications

Important Questions

1. Why did Nehru call media a ‘watchdog of democracy”? (CBSE 2013)
How does mass media function as a watchdog of democracy? (CBSE 2019)

2. How is mass media different from mass communication? (CBSE 2018)

3. What changes has been brought by the technology in newspaper industry? (CBSE 2017)

4. What role played by media during colonialism? (CBSE 2015: Outside Delhi)

5. ‘‘Mass media is a part of our daily life.’’ Give any two examples to support the statement. (CBSE 2019)
How mass-media is a part of our everyday life? (CBSE 2017)

Sample Questions

1.Highlight the potential of FM channels in a post liberalized India? (CBSE 2011)

2. Discuss the effect of globalization on print media. (CBSE Outside Delhi 2015)

3. Discuss the growth of print media in India after Independence. (CBSE 2018)

4. What is the meaning of print media?

5. How technology has changed the role of reporter?

6. What changes has taken place in television in the present day?

7. Discuss the growth of electronic media in India.