Chapter 5: Patterns of Social Inequality and Exclusion

Important Questions

1. What are disadvantages of liberalization?

2. State how the declaration of the Karachi session of INC committed itself to women’s equality. (Ref: CBSE 2020)

3. Examine the role of state’s initiatives to address caste and tribe discrimination. (Ref: CBSE 2020)

4. Differentiate between upper and lower OBCs.

5. How far did the status of women improve in contemporary India ? Give examples to support your answer. (CBSE 2015)

6. The nature of women’s struggle in India differs in various manner. Explain.

7. Explain the contributions of Indian intellectuals in women’s struggle in India.

Sample Questions

1. Social inequality differentiates between individuals. Highlight the principles to explain the concept of social stratification. (CBSE 2015)

2. What is the relationship between caste and economic inequality today?

3. What is untouchability?

4. How are the Other Backward Castes different from the Dalits (or Scheduled Castes)?

5. What are the major issues taken up by the women’s movement over its history?

6. What is to be considered as the struggle among disabled class in India?