Chapter 4: The Market as a Social Institution

Important Questions

1. What are disadvantages of liberalization?

2. Discuss the connection between caste system and economy.

3. Discuss commoditization with the help of examples.
Explain commodification as feature of capitalism. (CBSE 2019)

4. What is Liberalization? Liberalization is against government intervention which led to reduce the role of government in economy. Do you agree that liberalization in various sectors is favorable for the growth?

5. What are some of the processes included under the label ‘globalisation’?

Sample Questions

1. What is meant by ‘liberalisation’?

2. What economic transformations had taken place under colonialism?

3. Discuss Marwari business community in India.

4. How classes and status groups are differentiated on the basis of their lifestyles?

5. How globalization has impacted agriculture in India?