Chapter 9: Change and Development in Rural Society

Important Questions

1. What do you mean by the term ‘Beggar’? (CBSE 2015)
What does the term ‘Begar’ mean? (CBSE 2014)

2. In what ways are agriculture and culture linked? (CBSE 2015)

3. Explain Jan Breman’s concept of footloose labour. (CBSE 2020)

4. Describe the various reasons for farmer’s suicide in India. (CBSE 2021)

5. Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of contract farming. (CBSE 2015)

6. How Green revolution led to regional inequalities?

7. How circulation of labor has impacted the rural society?

Sample Questions

1. Explain the concept of circulation of labours. (CBSE 2013, 2015)

2. Migration and lack of job security create poor working and living conditions for migrant labour. Explain with reference to the circulation of labour in India. (CBSE 2019)

3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Green Revolution. (CBSE 2018)

4. Highlight the social consequences of Green Revolution. (CBSE 2017)

5. What measures do you think the government has taken, or should take, to protect the rights of landless agricultural labourers and migrant workers?