Chapter 11: Globalization and Social Change

Important Questions

1. What is the meaning of Glocalisation? (CBSE 2016)

2. Name some biggest MNCs.

3. Mention any two adverse impact of Liberalisation (CBSE 2015)

4. State two changes that can be termed as neoliberal economic measures. (CBSE 2015: Outside Delhi)

5. Are global interconnections new to the World and to India? Explain this by giving suitable examples. (CBSE 2011)

Sample Questions

1.There are many ways globalization affects culture. Elaborate. (CBSE 2019)
In what ways does globalization affect culture? (CBSE 2018)

2. Interpret the economic dimensions of globalisation. (CBSE 2020)

3. Briefly discuss the impact of globalisation on culture.

4. Which city is called financial capital of India and why?

5. Define globalization.

6. Colonialism is linked to globalization. Explain.