Chapter 13: Social Movement

Important Questions

1. What were the major issues of Adivasis struggle after independence? (CBSE 2016)

2. What is the significance of the term Dalit? (CBSE 2018)

3. What are counter movements ? Give example. (CBSE 2017)

4. Why do environmental movements take place? (CBSE 2016)

5. What is Chipko movement?

6. What were the issues against which the leaders of the movement in Jharkhand agitated? (CBSE 2013)

7. What changes took place worldwide after 2nd World War?

Sample Questions

1.What was the central issue behind the Tebhaga movement ? (CBSE 2020)

2. Why is the women’s movement of the mod-1970s called the second phase of the Indian women’s movement? (CBSE 2021)

3. Discuss what is an Ecological Movement by giving suitable examples. (CBSE 2011)

4. Write short notes on:

5. Environmental movements often also contain economic and identity issues. Discuss.

6. Discuss resource mobilization theory of social movement.