Chapter 8: The Story of Indian Democracy

Important Questions

1. What do you understand by the term decentralized democracy? (CBSE 2016)

2. State the social welfare responsibilities of panchayats. (CBSE 2014)

3. Why was Dr. Ambedkar a critic of the Panchayati Raj System. (CBSE 2020)

4. Describe with the example the grass-root democratic functioning in tribal areas. (CBSE 2015)

5. What is the role of Nyaya Panchayats in providing justice at grass root levels? (CBSE 2018)

Sample Questions

1. What do you mean by Panchayati Raj? What were the arguments given by Dr. Ambedkar and by Mahatma Gandhi for constituting local government? (CBSE 2013)

2. What were the social welfare responsibilities of the Panchayats? (CBSE 2018)

3. How Supreme Court has enhanced the substance of Fundamental Rights in the Constitution?

4. The 73rd amendment has been monumental in bringing a voice to the people in the Villages. Discuss.

5. How people can scrutinize allocation of money to Panchayati Raj Institution?

6. What is competing interest? What is the need of it and how does it work in India?