Chapter 10: Alcohol, Phenol and Ether

Important Questions

1. Draw the structure of hex-l-en-3-ol compound.

2. What happens when ethyl chloride is treated with aqueous KOH?

3. How will you convert the following?
(i) Propan-2-ol to propanone.
(ii) Phenol to 2,4,6 – tribromophenol?

4. Explain the following giving one example for each:
1. Reimer-Tieman reaction.
2. Friedel Craft’s acetylation of anisole.

5. How would you obtain:
(i) Picric acid (2, 4, 6-Trinitrophenol) from phenol.
(ii) 2-Methylpropene from 2-methylpropanol?

6. Draw the structure and name the product formed if the following alcohols are oxidized.
Assume that an excess of oxidizing agent is used.
(ii) 2-butenol
(iii) 2-methyl-l-propanol

CUET previous year paper

CUET previous year paper