Chapter 3: Current Electricity

Important Questions

1. Define the term ‘Mobility’ of charge carriers in a conductor. Write its S.I. unit.

2. Show variation of resistivity of copper as a function of temperature in a graph.

3. Nichrome and copper wires of same length and same radius are connected in series. Current I is passed through them. Which wire gets heated up more? Justify your answer.

4. Explain the term ‘drift velocity’ of electrons in a conductor. Hence obtain the expression for the current through a conductor in terms of ‘drift velocity’.

5. Estimate the average drift speed of conduction electrons in a copper wire of cross-sectional area 2.5 × 10–7 m2 carrying a current of 2.7 A. Assume the density of conduction electrons to be 9 × 1028 m–3.

6. When 5V potential difference is applied across a wire of length 0.1 m, the drift speed of electrons is 2.5 × 10–4 m/s. If the electron density in the wire is 8 × 1028 m–3, calculate the resistivity of the material of wire.

7. A potential difference V is applied across a conductor of length L and diameter D. How is the drift velocity, v1 of charge carriers in the conductor affected when (i) V is halved, (ii) L is doubled and (iii) D is halved? Justify your answer in each case.

8. Define the terms (i) drift velocity, (ii) relaxation time. A conductor of length L is connected to a dc source of emf 8. If this conductor is replaced by another conductor of same material and same area of cross-section but of length 3L, how will the drift velocity change?

9. Derive an expression for drift velocity of free electrons in a conductor in terms of relaxation time.

10. (a) Define the term ‘conductivity’ of a metallic wire. Write its SI unit.
(b) Using the concept of free electrons in a conductor, derive the expression for the conductivity of a wire in terms of number density and relaxation time. Hence obtain the relation between current density and the applied electric field E.

CUET previous year paper

CUET previous year paper