Class 8th Science
Microorganisms Test
Maximum time- 30 minutes
Maximum marks- 35
1. What are food preservatives? Name some common food preservatives.
2. Draw a systematic diagram of nitrogen cycle and explain it.
3. Explain the process of Pasteurization in brief.
4. Explain in detail how vaccination works?
5. What are good microorganisms? Explain some of the uses of good microorganisms.
6. Explain various types of bacteria.
7. What are food poisoning and food preservation (short notes)?
8. Explain the discovery of Penicillin.
9. What are antibiotics? Explain with the help of examples.
10. What are harmful microorganisms? Explain by giving the example of two diseasecarrying microbes.
11. What are the indications required to detect spoilage in food?