Class X Math
MCQ for Area of Parallelograms and Triangles
1. Which of the following is true for two figures having equal area?
(i) are always congruent
(ii) are never congruent
(iii) may or may not be congruent
2. ABCD is a parallelogram and AC is drawn parallel to ED. EC is joined. Which of the following is correct?
(i) ar ΔADC = ar ΔAEC.
(ii) ar ΔADC = ar ΔEDC.

3. A median of a triangle divides it into two
(i) congruent triangles.
(ii) triangles of equal area.
(iii) isosceles triangles.
(iv) right triangles
4. In the figure if parallelogram PQFE and rectangle PQRS are of equal area, then which of the following is true?
(i) perimeter of PQRS > Perimeter of PQFE
(ii) Perimeter of PQRS = Perimeter of PQFE
(iii) Perimeter of PQRS < Perimeter of PQFE
5. In the figure P, Q and R are the mid-point of the sides AB, BC and AC respectively, which of the following is the area of APQR?
6. In the following figure P, Q and R are the mid-points of AB, BC and AC respectively. Which of the following is the area of ΔPQR?
7. In the figure, BC = CD = DE and P is the mid-point of CD. Which of the following is the area of ΔAPC?
8. In the figure, AD is a median and P is a point on it. Which of the following is correct?
(i) ar(ΔAPB) = ar(ΔBPD)
(ii) ar(ΔAPB) = ar(ΔAPC)
(iii) ar(ΔAPB) = ar(ΔPDC)
9. In the fig, area of ΔADC is equal to area of ΔABC. Which of the following is correct?
(i) DO > OB
(ii) DO > OB
(iii) DO < OB
10. If a triangle and a parallelogram are on the same base and between same parallels, then what is the ratio of the area of the triangle to the area of parallelogram?
(i) 1 : 2 (ii) 3 : 2 (iii) 1 : 3 (iv) 4 : 1