CAT Vocabulary: Building a Solid Word Bank for VARC Section With Career Launcher Pune

CL Team August 21 2023
2 min read
Building a Strong Word Bank for CAT VARC

Building a Strong Word Bank for CAT VARC

In the world of competitive exams, the CAT (Common Admission Test) stands tall as one of the most sought-after gateways to prestigious management institutes in India. Each year, thousands of aspirants gear up to crack this challenging exam that assesses their abilities in three major sections - Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). Among these, the VARC section demands a strong grasp of vocabulary and language skills. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of building a robust word bank for the VARC section, and how it can be achieved with the help of reliable resources like Career Launcher.

Importance of Vocabulary in the VARC Section

The VARC section of CAT focuses on two crucial aspects: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension. A strong vocabulary plays a pivotal role in both these domains. Having an extensive word bank enables CAT aspirants to comprehend complex passages, understand intricate sentences, and solve verbal ability questions more effectively.

Reading Comprehension:

Reading comprehension passages in CAT VARC can be quite challenging, with intricate sentence structures and high-level vocabulary. A well-built word bank aids in decoding these passages efficiently, allowing aspirants to grasp the intended message, make inferences, and answer questions accurately.

Verbal Ability:

Verbal Ability questions often include sentence correction, synonym-antonym pairs, analogies, and word usage. A diverse vocabulary empowers candidates to tackle these questions with confidence, thus improving their overall VARC score.

Building a Solid Word Bank

Now that we understand the significance of a strong word bank, let's explore some effective strategies to build one for CAT VARC:

  • Reading: The most natural and enjoyable way to enrich your vocabulary is through extensive reading. Reading books, newspapers, and articles exposes you to diverse words and their contextual usage. Regular reading habits not only broaden your vocabulary but also enhance your understanding of various subjects, which is beneficial for both VARC and other sections of the CAT exam.
  • Vocabulary Journals: Maintain a vocabulary journal to record new words encountered during your reading sessions or CAT preparation. Include their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences. Regularly revisiting and practicing these words will help reinforce your memory and understanding.
  • Thematic Learning: Categorize words based on themes such as business, technology, philosophy, etc. This approach makes it easier to recall words related to specific topics and aids in solving topic-based RC passages effectively.
  • Flashcards and Mnemonics: Utilize flashcards and mnemonic techniques to memorize difficult words. Create associations or connections between new words and familiar concepts to make them easier to remember.
  • Practice Tests: Solve previous years' CAT VARC sections and other relevant mock tests. This helps identify the level of vocabulary required and exposes you to a wide range of words that have appeared in the exam previously.
  • Vocabulary Apps and Resources: Leverage digital resources like vocabulary apps and websites that provide word quizzes, games, and exercises. Career Launcher, a leading CAT coaching institute with branches in Pune and other cities, offers a wealth of resources, including vocabulary-building modules. These resources can be immensely valuable in your preparation journey.

Meaningful Learning with Career Launcher

Career Launcher, Pune, offers comprehensive CAT preparation programs designed to cater to the specific needs of aspirants. Their dedicated Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension modules are crafted to strengthen vocabulary and language skills, ensuring candidates are well-prepared to tackle the VARC section with confidence.

The coaching institute's vocabulary-building tools, interactive study materials, and expert faculty make the learning experience both enriching and enjoyable. Regular practice sessions, doubt-clearing sessions, and personalized feedback enable aspirants to track their progress and work on areas that need improvement.


In conclusion, building a solid word bank is vital for excelling in the VARC section of the CAT exam. A strong vocabulary enhances reading comprehension skills and boosts performance in verbal ability questions. Through consistent efforts, practice, and utilization of valuable resources like those offered by Career Launcher in Pune aspirants can elevate their CAT preparation and unlock the doors to success in this highly competitive exam.

Remember that expanding your vocabulary is a gradual process that demands patience and perseverance. So, start early, be consistent, and let your enriched word bank propel you towards a remarkable CAT VARC performance. Best of luck!