10 Types of Important English Grammar Questions for CLAT 2024 with Answers

CL Team July 14 2023
1 min read

10 Types of Important English Grammar Questions for CLAT 2024 with Answers

English grammar forms an integral part of the CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) exam. To perform well in the English section, it is crucial to have a strong command of grammar rules and be able to apply them accurately. In this article, we present 10 types of important English grammar questions that frequently appear in the CLAT exam, along with their answers.

1. Subject-Verb Agreement

Question: Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: "The group of students ________ going on a field trip tomorrow." a) is b) are c) were d) have
Answer: a) is

2. Tense

Question: Identify the tense used in the following sentence: "She has been studying for the exam for three hours." a) Present perfect continuous b) Past perfect c) Future continuous d) Simple present
Answer: a) Present perfect continuous

3. Articles

Question: Choose the appropriate article to complete the sentence: "I have ________ apple and ________ orange." a) a / a b) an / an c) an / a d) a / an
Answer: d) a / an

4. Prepositions

Question: Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: "She walked ________ the street to reach the park." a) along b) across c) through d) over
Answer: b) across

5. Pronouns

Question: Identify the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: "Neither of the boys completed ________ homework." a) his b) their c) its d) our
Answer: a) his

6. Relative Clauses

Question: Choose the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence: "The book ________ I borrowed from the library was very informative." a) that b) which c) who d) whom
Answer: b) which

7. Conditional Sentences

Question: Identify the type of conditional sentence used in the following: "If it rains, we will stay indoors." a) Zero conditional b) First conditional c) Second conditional d) Third conditional
Answer: b) First conditional

8. Active and Passive Voice

Question: Change the following sentence from active to passive voice: "They built a new stadium for the football team." a) A new stadium for the football team was built by them. b) A new stadium was built for the football team. c) The football team built a new stadium. d) The new stadium was built by the football team.
Answer: b) A new stadium was built for the football team.

9. Direct and Indirect Speech

Question: Rewrite the following sentence using indirect speech: He said, "I will attend the meeting tomorrow." a) He said that he will attend the meeting tomorrow. b) He said that he would attend the meeting the next day. c) He said that he is going to attend the meeting tomorrow. d) He said that he attended the meeting yesterday.
Answer: b) He said that he would attend the meeting the next day.

10. Sentence Correction

Question: Identify the error in the following sentence: "The dog chased it's tail in circles." a) dog b) chased c) it's d) circles
Answer: c) it's (should be "its")

By practicing these types of English grammar questions and understanding the concepts behind them, you can enhance your grammar skills and improve your performance in the CLAT 2024 exam. Remember to study and review grammar rules, and regularly solve practice questions to achieve success in the exam.