20 Days to CAT: A Day-by-Day Study Plan for Aspiring MBA Candidates

CL Team November 17 2023
1 min read
20 Days to CAT: A Day-by-Day Study Plan

20 Days to CAT: A Day-by-Day Study Plan

The CAT (Common Admission Test) is a pivotal step for MBA aspirants in India. It's the gateway to some of the most prestigious B-schools in the country. To ensure your success in this highly competitive exam, you need a well-structured study plan. In this article, we'll provide you with a day-by-day guide for your 20-day CAT preparation journey. We'll cover a range of topics, strategies, and answer common questions to help you succeed.

Day 1: Setting the Stage

  1. Understand the CAT Syllabus: Before diving into your preparation, it's crucial to understand the CAT syllabus...

Day 2-7: Building Foundations

  1. Vocabulary Enhancement: Enhance your vocabulary daily...

Day 8-14: Strengthening the Core

  1. Mock Tests: Start taking mock tests...

Day 15-18: Speed and Accuracy

  1. Time-Bound Practice: Devote these days to time-bound practice...

Day 19-20: Final Push

  1. Revision: Spend the last two days revising...


  1. How many hours should I study each day?
    Your study hours can vary based on your comfort, but consistency is key. Aim for at least 4-6 hours of productive study time every day.


The CAT exam is undoubtedly a challenging endeavor, but with the right approach, it can be conquered. Our 20-day study plan provides a comprehensive roadmap for your success...

For those of you in Nagpur, if you're looking for the best CAT coaching and courses, remember that while coaching centers can be beneficial, self-study, as demonstrated in this plan, can also lead to success. It's essential to choose the path that aligns with your needs and preferences. Stay focused, stay positive, and you'll surely achieve your goal.