ACE the SNAP exam

CL Team November 28 2024
0 min read
How to Ace Quant in SNAP Exam 2024

#snap #snapexam2024 #snapexam #mbaexam #mbaprep 

Preparing for SNAP exam is completely different from CAT Exam, so what can be key factors that help in cracking quant section of SNAP Exam.

Quantitative Aptitude section of SNAP is very easy in comparison with CAT Exam, but speed and accuracy are two important factors that make it different from CAT exam.

So I advice students to do LOD 1 questions with a few LOD 2 questions for the SNAP Exam, and master the tips and tricks to solve those questions,  because many a time direct questions are asked that can be solved using tricks and formulae.

Also, one should do around 50 quant more questions in 60 minutes (use timer while solving the questions), while doing preparation that helps in builing speed along with accuracy.

strictly, do not use calculator while solving questions 

Last but not the least,  Mocks are the key to success,  so write as many Mocks as you can write to ace the exam, Analysis the mock.

All the Best