Can we use calculator in CAT Exam? CAT examination policy

CL Team May 28 2024
2 min read

The Common Admission Test (CAT) stands as one of the most prestigious and competitive entrance exams for admission into premier management institutes in India, including the esteemed Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). With its rigorous selection process and challenging question patterns, CAT necessitates thorough preparation and familiarity with its examination policies. One common query among CAT aspirants pertains to the use of calculators during the exam. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the policies and guidelines surrounding the use of calculators in the CAT exam, aiming to clarify doubts and provide insights for aspirants, with reference to Career Launcher Indiranagar's expertise in CAT preparation.

Understanding the CAT Exam:

Before delving into the specifics of calculator usage, let's understand the structure and format of the CAT exam. CAT assesses candidates on various parameters including Quantitative Ability (QA), Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), and Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR). The exam is conducted in a computer-based format, comprising multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and non-MCQs (also known as TITA or Type in the Answer questions).

Calculator Policy in CAT Exam:

Unlike some other competitive exams, CAT has a strict policy regarding the use of calculators during the examination. As per the official guidelines provided by the organizing IIM, candidates are not allowed to carry or use any type of calculator or electronic device during the CAT exam. This includes both basic and scientific calculators, as well as any other electronic gadgets such as smartphones, tablets, or smartwatches.

Rationale Behind the No-Calculator Policy:

The decision to prohibit calculators in the CAT exam is grounded in several reasons:

  1. Testing Analytical Skills: CAT aims to evaluate candidates' analytical and problem-solving abilities. By restricting the use of calculators, the exam assesses candidates' proficiency in mental calculations, logical reasoning, and quantitative analysis, which are crucial skills for managerial roles.
  2. Maintaining Fairness: Allowing calculators could create disparities among candidates based on their access to different types of calculators or proficiency in using them. By standardizing the examination environment and rules, CAT ensures fairness and equal opportunity for all aspirants.
  3. Real-world Simulation: In professional settings, managers often encounter situations where quick mental calculations are required. By simulating such scenarios in the exam, CAT prepares candidates for real-world challenges they may encounter in their managerial careers.

Strategies for CAT Aspirants:

Given the no-calculator policy in CAT, aspirants need to adopt specific strategies to excel in the quantitative section while adhering to the examination guidelines:

  1. Focus on Mental Calculation: Practice mental arithmetic and shortcut techniques to perform calculations swiftly and accurately. Familiarize yourself with methods such as approximation, percentage calculations, and divisibility rules to simplify complex problems.
  2. Master Fundamentals: Strengthen your conceptual understanding of mathematical topics such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and number theory. A solid foundation in fundamental concepts enables you to tackle questions effectively without relying heavily on calculators.
  3. Practice Time Management: Since mental calculations may take slightly more time than using a calculator, practice time management strategies to optimize your performance in the quantitative section. Allocate sufficient time to each question based on its complexity and prioritize easier questions to maximize scoring potential.
  4. Mock Tests and Simulated Practice: Regularly undertake mock tests and simulated practice sessions under exam-like conditions to acclimatize yourself to the no-calculator environment. Analyze your performance, identify areas of improvement, and refine your strategies accordingly.

Expert Guidance from Career Launcher Indiranagar:

Aspirants preparing for the CAT exam can benefit immensely from expert guidance and resources provided by premier coaching institutes like Career Launcher Indiranagar. With experienced faculty members, comprehensive study materials, and tailored preparation strategies, coaching institutes play a pivotal role in helping aspirants navigate the complexities of the CAT exam.

Career Launcher Indiranagar offers specialized coaching programs designed to equip aspirants with the requisite skills and strategies to excel in all sections of the CAT exam, including the quantitative section where calculator usage is prohibited. Through structured classroom sessions, mock tests, personalized feedback, and doubt-solving sessions, Career Launcher Indiranagar empowers aspirants to maximize their potential and achieve their desired scores in the CAT exam.


The no-calculator policy in the CAT exam underscores the importance of analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and mental agility, which are essential qualities for success in management roles. By understanding the rationale behind this policy and adopting appropriate strategies, aspirants can navigate the quantitative section of the CAT exam with confidence and precision. With the support and guidance of reputable coaching institutes such as Career Launcher Indiranagar, aspirants can embark on their CAT preparation journey with clarity and determination, positioning themselves for success in this highly competitive examination.