CAT 2024 WAT Strategy

CL Team May 14 2024
3 min read

WAT or Written Ability Test has been included or is being included by many of the MBA colleges in their selection process. By including WAT, colleges are giving candidates a fair chance to represent and showcase their thought process and writing skills. Here you will get to know about basics of WAT and how to tackle the WAT process.

What is WAT?

WAT (Written Ability test) is a paper-pen based writing test on any topic with allowed time between 15 minutes to 30 minutes and word limits ranging from 200 words to 400 words in general. It is taken just before the Personal Interview process. In recent times, many top B-schools (including top IIMs) have replaced Group Discussion with WAT process to give every candidate a fair chance to represent themselves independently as against GD wherein some get situational advantage over others.

WAT topics range from different fields and spheres ranging from Current affairs, international relations, Business, Economics, Technology, Social issues or cause, Sports, Abstract topics, Ethical topics, etc. to name a few.

WAT checks on different capabilities of a candidate especially related to expressing ideas in a coherent, chronological, and storyline mode with checks on grammar, content quality, way of presentation, handwriting (if you possess a good handwriting it is a booster for you, otherwise the handwriting has to be legible at least).

Precisely, WAT checks on following aspects in a candidate: -


  • English comprehension (language, thought coherence and chronology, presentation style)
  • Understanding, knowledge, and awareness about the topic
  • Grammar, punctuation, and other hygiene factors
  • Handwriting (least valued though)



How to write a successful WAT?

To write a quality WAT, one has to be aware of various topics related to current events, science and technology, politics, economy, international relations, etc. The person has to be socially aware so that he/she can collect the ideas when given to write on a topic. This requires a variety of reading especially newspapers, journals, watching documentaries, reading editorial columns, business news, etc. Regular reading improves comprehension, thought cohesion, grammar, and writing ability as well. Additionally, one should practice writing WAT in a time bound manner on certain topics. This is a must for the individual in mastering a good WAT.

Also, at the same time the person should try to be innovative in writing the WAT. A good beginning or introduction catches the attention of the reader. Similarly, a good conclusion is also must for a successful WAT. While the topic should be talked in a crisp way, you should try to touch all aspects of the topic and also keep in mind not to deviate from the main theme.


Practicing regularly by writing it in a stipulated time helps a lot. Regular feedback and third person views helps in improving WAT skills. One should also practice writing WAT on abstract topics to remain prepared for all types of topics be it of any type.


What is the structure of a quality WAT?


  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion


  Certain things that one must avoid in writing a WAT: -


  • No ambiguous thought- Contradictory and ambiguous thoughts should not be presented and one should always keep it in mind. Strong remarks and judgements should also be avoided to the extent possible.



  • Avoid Repetition- Repetition of thoughts or themes should not be there. A common mistake done by students is that they rephrase the same thought later in the process of writing the WAT.



  • Avoid irrelevant & heavy Vocab- Using good vocabulary is nice. But one should use vocabs which are easy to understand and too much tough word usages is not advised in WAT. It should follow a simple language easily understandable by anyone.



  • Understand the formation of sentences and practice more- Sentence formation should be simple and you should avoid making complex and long sentences.



  • Avoid Grammatical mistakes- Grammar should be properly followed while writing the WAT and errors of Tense, SV agreement, Parallelism, Articles, Prepositions, etc. should not be there.



  • Synchronise your ideas, write each point one by one- The WAT should reflect a chronology in the ideas and views presented. It should follow a structured and meaningful sequence.



  • Write simple & short- You should be crisp and focused in your writing and should avoid verbose language.



  • Avoid cuttings & cancellations- Too much striking off and cutting makes the writing untidy and takes away the attraction of what has been written. Hence it should be avoided at any cost.