CAT Preparation Tips for Beginners

CL Team November 01 2022
1 min read

Tips for Newcomers to Prepare for the CAT

Here are some crucial pointers to bear in mind if you're taking the CAT for the first time and have only recently begun your preparation:

Recognize the exam format and syllabus

  • It's vital for beginners to grasp the exam format and curriculum. Candidates must recognise and comprehend the fundamentals of all key topics since they are frequently questioned in the examination despite the dearth of an established syllabus and the emphasis on strategic question-answering in the exam format.

Choose your study style

  • Candidates have the option of self-preparation or coaching from organisations. Beginners must choose the strategy that will work best for them based on their confidence, needs, and ambitions.

Make a study schedule

  • Candidates need to plan their preparation. Create a study method that best fits your daily routine. Candidates should do this. Make it a point to dedicate at least two useful hours per day to CAT preparation, and concentrate on honestly analysing performance. Consistently follow the study schedule and exercise discipline.

Enhance both the speed and accuracy of attempts

  • There should be a balance between the answers' precision and the speed at which the paper is attempted. A candidate needs to routinely practise to increase their speed and accuracy through simulated and timed section attempts.

Select the appropriate tools and preparation materials

  • When taking the CAT exam, the resources a candidate employs will make all the difference. Create a study method that best fits your daily routine. Candidates should do this. Make it a point to dedicate at least two useful hours per day to CAT preparation, and concentrate on honestly analysing performance. Consistently follow the study schedule and exercise discipline.
  • NOTE- Make sure the preparatory materials you buy are accessible around-the-clock so you can study whenever and wherever you want.

Time Management

  • The most important component for professionals who are working is time management. Explore efficient time management techniques like the Pomodoro technique as well as developing an effective CAT preparation approach based on your skills and weaknesses.

CAT Study Advice 2022

The expense of earning an MBA is widely acknowledged. A top B-MBA school's programme may cost between 15 and 20 lakhs. You must concentrate on reducing your expenses as much as you can even if the IIMs are government institutions and provide plenty of financial aid and scholarships.

Applying just to the B-schools that would be the best fit for you is one approach to go about it. Costs for each test taken or college application range from Rs. 1500 to Rs. 2000. This means that if you don't plan ahead and wind up taking 5 tests and applying to 20 B-schools, it might cost you roughly Rs. 50,000 only in application costs.