CAT Vocabulary Tips: How to Learn Words?

CL Team June 22 2023
2 min read
How to Learn CAT Vocabulary Words: Tips and Techniques

Building a Strong Vocabulary for CAT Exam Preparation

Learning a multitude of words is essential for excelling in the CAT exam. However, it can be a daunting task. With the right strategies and techniques, you can effectively learn CAT vocabulary words and expand your language proficiency. This article will provide you with valuable tips on how to learn words for the CAT exam.

Tips for Learning CAT Vocabulary Words

  1. Read Widely: Reading extensively is one of the most effective ways to improve your vocabulary. Read a variety of materials, such as newspapers, magazines, novels, and online articles. Expose yourself to different writing styles, genres, and topics. Pay attention to unfamiliar words and their contexts. This exposure will help you understand the meaning and usage of new words.
  2. Use Flashcards: Create flashcards to learn and review CAT vocabulary words. Write the word on one side of the flashcard and its definition or a sample sentence on the other side. Review the flashcards regularly, testing yourself on the meanings and usage of the words. This technique reinforces your memory and aids in retention.
  3. Contextual Learning: Learning words in context is highly effective. Instead of memorizing word lists, understand how words are used in sentences. Read sentences or short passages containing the new words you want to learn. This approach helps you grasp the nuances of word usage and improves your ability to apply them accurately.
  4. Practice with Word Games: Engaging in word games and puzzles can make learning vocabulary enjoyable and interactive. Play games like crossword puzzles, word quizzes. These activities challenge your knowledge of CAT vocabulary words while making the learning process engaging and entertaining.
  5. Use Mnemonic Devices: Mnemonic devices are memory aids that help you associate new words with something familiar or easier to remember. Create mental images, rhymes, or acronyms that link the word to its meaning. For example, to remember the word "exacerbate," you can create an image of a bee stinging someone, representing how the word means to make a situation worse.
  6. Regular Review: Consistent review is crucial for retaining new vocabulary words. Set aside dedicated time to review the words you have learned. Regularly revisit flashcards, re-read passages, and test yourself on the meanings and usage of the words. Spaced repetition, where you review words at increasing intervals, helps reinforce your memory and prevent forgetting.
  7. Use Vocabulary Apps or Websites: Take advantage of technology by using vocabulary apps or websites specifically designed for CAT exam preparation. These resources offer word lists, quizzes, and interactive exercises to enhance your vocabulary skills. Explore apps like Magoosh, WordUp, or websites like to supplement your learning.
  8. Apply New Words in Writing: Practicing using new words in your writing helps solidify your understanding and usage. Incorporate CAT vocabulary words into essays, articles, or practice questions. This active application of words enhances your familiarity and comfort with their usage.
  9. Create Word Associations: Connect new words to existing knowledge or personal experiences. Form associations between CAT vocabulary words and related concepts, images, or experiences in your mind. These associations provide hooks for memory retrieval and help you remember words more effectively.
  10. Seek Contextual Examples: Explore authentic English language resources like books, podcasts, or TED Talks. Pay attention to how native speakers use vocabulary words in context. This exposure to real-life examples improves your understanding of word usage and expands your vocabulary in a practical manner.


Learning CAT vocabulary words requires consistent effort and effective strategies. By reading widely, using flashcards, learning in context, playing word games, using mnemonic devices, regularly reviewing, utilizing vocabulary apps or websites, applying words in writing, creating associations, and seeking contextual examples, you can enhance your vocabulary skills and excel in the CAT exam. Remember to practice these techniques regularly and stay motivated in your language-learning journey.