Critical Reasoning Questions for CLAT 2025: Sample Questions & Answers

CL Team July 18 2024
5 min read

Preparing for the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is a significant milestone for aspiring law students in India. Among the various sections of CLAT, the critical reasoning part often poses a challenge due to its demand for logical analysis, argument evaluation, and inference drawing. To help you master this section, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide, complete with sample questions and answers, to enhance your critical reasoning skills.

Understanding Critical Reasoning

Critical reasoning involves analyzing arguments, identifying logical connections, and assessing the validity of conclusions. It tests your ability to think logically and make reasoned judgments. The questions are designed to evaluate your understanding of argument structure, the strength of evidence, and the validity of inferences.

Key Concepts in Critical Reasoning

  1. Argument Structure: Understanding the components of an argument – premises, conclusions, and assumptions.
  2. Inference: Drawing logical conclusions from given information.
  3. Assumptions: Identifying unstated premises that must be true for the argument to hold.
  4. Strengthening and Weakening: Evaluating how additional information affects the argument.
  1. Logical Fallacies: Recognizing common errors in reasoning.

Sample Questions and Answers

Question 1: Identifying the Conclusion

Passage: "Public transportation in the city has become unreliable. Buses and trains are frequently delayed, and maintenance issues are rampant. Passengers often find themselves stranded for long periods, waiting for services that either arrive late or get canceled without prior notice. Moreover, the city's traffic congestion has been exacerbated by the unreliable public transport, leading to increased pollution and commuter frustration. Consequently, it is not surprising that more residents are opting for private vehicles, further aggravating the traffic situation. Therefore, it is essential for the city government to invest in upgrading the public transport infrastructure. By improving the reliability and efficiency of buses and trains, the city can reduce traffic congestion, lower pollution levels, and provide a more sustainable mode of transportation for its residents."

Question: What is the conclusion of the argument?

Answer: The conclusion of the argument is that it is essential for the city government to invest in upgrading the public transport infrastructure. This statement is supported by the premises about the unreliability and maintenance issues of the current public transportation system, and the subsequent negative impacts on traffic congestion and pollution.

Question 2: Strengthening the Argument

Passage: "Regular exercise contributes to overall health. Numerous studies have demonstrated that people who engage in regular physical activity have lower rates of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Exercise has been shown to improve cardiovascular health, enhance immune function, and boost mental well-being. Additionally, workplaces that encourage regular exercise by providing facilities like gyms or fitness programs see notable improvements in employee productivity and reduced absenteeism. Therefore, companies should offer gym memberships to their employees. By doing so, they can promote a healthier workforce, reduce healthcare costs, and increase overall productivity. The benefits of regular exercise extend beyond physical health, contributing to improved mood, better sleep, and enhanced cognitive function."

Question: Which of the following statements would most strengthen the argument? A) Exercise is only effective if done consistently. B) Companies that offer gym memberships see lower healthcare costs. C) Some employees prefer other forms of exercise. D) Not all employees use gym memberships provided by companies.

Answer: B) Companies that offer gym memberships see lower healthcare costs. This statement strengthens the argument by providing a direct benefit to companies, supporting the idea that offering gym memberships is a worthwhile investment.

Question 3: Weakening the Argument

Passage: "Online education is more effective than traditional classroom learning. Students enrolled in online courses have access to a vast array of digital resources, including interactive tutorials, video lectures, and forums for discussion. These resources allow for a personalized learning experience, enabling students to learn at their own pace and revisit challenging concepts as needed. Furthermore, online education often proves more cost-effective, eliminating expenses related to commuting, physical textbooks, and campus facilities. However, despite these advantages, there are concerns about the lack of direct interaction with instructors and peers, which can hinder collaborative learning and immediate feedback. Moreover, the requirement for a stable internet connection and the potential for technical issues are significant drawbacks. Therefore, while online education offers many benefits, it may not be the best fit for every student."

Question: Which of the following statements would weaken the argument? A) Some students prefer the social interaction of traditional classrooms. B) Online education requires a stable internet connection. C) Traditional classrooms allow for immediate feedback from instructors. D) Online education platforms have technical issues occasionally.

Answer: C) Traditional classrooms allow for immediate feedback from instructors. This statement weakens the argument by highlighting a significant advantage of traditional classroom learning that online education lacks.

Question 4: Identifying Assumptions

Passage: "The new traffic regulations will reduce accidents in the city. These regulations include stricter speed limits, higher fines for violations, and mandatory defensive driving courses for all new drivers. By imposing these measures, the city aims to address the growing concern over road safety. The stricter speed limits are designed to give drivers more reaction time to avoid collisions, while the higher fines serve as a deterrent against reckless driving. The mandatory defensive driving courses are expected to equip new drivers with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the roads safely. However, the success of these regulations hinges on their effective implementation and enforcement by the traffic authorities. Without stringent enforcement, the intended impact of these regulations may not be fully realized."

Question: What is an underlying assumption of the argument? A) Drivers will obey the new traffic regulations. B) Accidents are caused by speeding and traffic violations. C) The city has a high rate of traffic accidents. D) Higher fines will deter traffic violations.

Answer: A) Drivers will obey the new traffic regulations. This is an underlying assumption because if drivers do not comply with the new regulations, the expected reduction in accidents will not occur.

Question 5: Drawing Inferences

Passage: "Many people are adopting plant-based diets due to health and environmental concerns. Studies have shown that plant-based diets can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. These diets are rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains, which are associated with numerous health benefits. Additionally, the production of plant-based foods typically requires fewer natural resources and generates less greenhouse gas emissions compared to animal agriculture. As a result, adopting a plant-based diet can contribute to a more sustainable food system. Environmental activists and health professionals are increasingly advocating for dietary shifts towards plant-based eating. Moreover, the growing availability of plant-based alternatives in restaurants and supermarkets has made it easier for individuals to transition to this lifestyle. Given the compelling health and environmental benefits, it is likely that the trend towards plant-based diets will continue to rise."

Question: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? A) Plant-based diets are the best option for everyone. B) Adoption of plant-based diets is likely to increase. C) Animal products are harmful to health. D) Environmental concerns are the main reason for dietary changes.

Answer: B) Adoption of plant-based diets is likely to increase. The passage indicates a growing trend in adopting plant-based diets due to health and environmental benefits, suggesting this trend is likely to continue.

Tips for Mastering Critical Reasoning

  1. Read Carefully: Pay attention to every detail in the passage. Misreading or overlooking a word can change the meaning of the entire argument.
  2. Identify the Argument Structure: Break down the passage into premises, conclusions, and assumptions. This helps in understanding the core argument.
  3. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice with a variety of questions improves your ability to quickly identify key elements and logical flaws.
  4. Learn Common Logical Fallacies: Understanding common reasoning errors can help you quickly identify weak arguments.
  5. Time Management: Practice under timed conditions to improve your speed and efficiency in answering questions.


Mastering critical reasoning for CLAT 2025 requires a combination of understanding key concepts, regular practice, and developing analytical thinking skills. By familiarizing yourself with different types of questions and honing your ability to dissect arguments, you can significantly enhance your performance in this section.

For those preparing for CLAT 2025, consider enrolling in specialized coaching programs like those offered by Career Launcher Jayanagar. Their experienced faculty and comprehensive study materials can provide the guidance and practice you need to excel in critical reasoning and other sections of the CLAT exam.