GMAT vs. GRE: Choosing the Right Test for Your Business School Journey

CL Team February 26 2024
2 min read
GMAT vs. GRE: A Comprehensive Guide

Embarking on a business school journey

Embarking on a business school journey is an exciting and pivotal moment in one's academic and professional life. As part of the application process, candidates often face the decision of whether to take the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Both tests are widely accepted by business schools globally, but each has its unique structure and focus. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key differences between GMAT and GRE, providing insights to help you make an informed decision. Additionally, we'll highlight the resources and support offered by Career Launcher Indiranagar, a trusted destination for test preparation in Bangalore.

GMAT vs. GRE: An Overview

  1. Purpose and Acceptance

    • GMAT:
      • Specifically designed for business school admissions, the GMAT assesses analytical writing, integrated reasoning, quantitative, and verbal skills.
      • Widely accepted by business schools worldwide, including top-ranked MBA programs.
    • GRE:
      • Originally designed for graduate programs in various disciplines, the GRE is now accepted by many business schools as well.
      • Suitable for a broader range of graduate programs beyond business management.
  2. Sectional Structure

    • GMAT:
      • Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)
      • Integrated Reasoning (IR)
      • Quantitative
      • Verbal
    • GRE:
      • Analytical Writing (AW)
      • Verbal Reasoning
      • Quantitative Reasoning
  3. Question Types

    • GMAT:
      • Unique question types such as Data Sufficiency in the Quantitative section and Sentence Correction in the Verbal section.
      • Emphasis on critical reasoning and logical reasoning.
    • GRE:
      • Standard question types in both verbal and quantitative sections.
      • Focus on vocabulary in text completion and sentence equivalence.
  4. Quantitative Emphasis

    • GMAT:
      • Emphasizes data sufficiency and problem-solving.
      • Includes topics like algebra, geometry, and statistics.
    • GRE:
      • Emphasizes problem-solving and data interpretation.
      • Includes topics like arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.
  5. Scoring System

    • GMAT:
      • Total score ranges from 200 to 800.
      • Separate scores for each section.
    • GRE:
      • Verbal and Quantitative sections scored on a scale of 130 to 170.
      • Analytical Writing scored on a scale of 0 to 6.

Choosing Between GMAT and GRE: Factors to Consider

  1. Target Business Schools

    Research the specific requirements of the business schools you are interested in. While many top MBA programs accept both GMAT and GRE, some may have a preference for one over the other.

  2. Personal Strengths

    Consider your strengths and weaknesses in terms of the skills assessed by each test. If you excel in critical reasoning and logical thinking, GMAT may be a good fit. If you are strong in vocabulary and quantitative problem-solving, GRE could be a suitable choice.

  3. Time Management

    Assess the time you have available for preparation. GMAT's unique question types may require specialized preparation, while GRE may offer more flexibility in terms of study materials.

  4. Application Cost

    Compare the costs associated with each test, including registration fees and study materials. Consider your budget and choose the test that aligns with your financial resources.

  5. Retake Policies

    Understand the retake policies of each test. Some candidates find it beneficial to take both GMAT and GRE to maximize their chances, as business schools often accept scores from either test.

Career Launcher Indiranagar: Your Partner in Test Preparation

For candidates seeking expert guidance and comprehensive test preparation, Career Launcher Indiranagar in Bangalore is a trusted destination. Located at Indiranagar, this center offers specialized coaching programs designed to equip candidates for various entrance exams, including GMAT and GRE.

The experienced faculty at Career Launcher Indiranagar understands the nuances of each test and provides personalized guidance to help candidates excel in their chosen exam. The center's strategic location in Indiranagar, a vibrant educational hub, makes it an ideal choice for test-takers looking to enhance their skills and readiness for the competitive landscape of business school admissions.


Choosing between GMAT and GRE is a significant decision that can impact your business school journey. By carefully considering the factors mentioned above and aligning your strengths and preferences, you can make an informed choice. With the support of institutions like Career Launcher Indiranagar, you can navigate the complexities of test preparation