How to Attempt CLAT 2024 Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning: Tips and Tricks

CL Team July 14 2023
2 min read

How to Attempt CLAT 2024 Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning: Tips and Tricks

Reading Comprehension (RC) and Critical Reasoning (CR) are crucial sections of the CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) exam that test your reading, comprehension, and analytical skills. To perform well in these sections, it is essential to have a strategic approach and utilize effective tips and tricks. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to attempt CLAT 2024 Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning.

Reading Comprehension (RC)

Reading Comprehension requires you to read passages and answer questions based on the information provided. Here are some tips to approaching RC effectively:

  1. Skim the Passage: Before diving into the questions, quickly skim through the passage to get an overall understanding of the topic, tone, and structure. Focus on the introduction, topic sentences, and concluding paragraph to grasp the main idea.
  2. Read the Questions First: Glance through the questions related to the passage before reading it in detail. This will help you identify what information to look for while reading and save time during the exam.
  3. Highlight Key Information: While reading the passage, highlight or underline important keywords, phrases, and supporting details. This will aid in a better understanding and quick reference while answering the questions.
  4. Analyze the Questions: Pay attention to the question types (main idea, inference, tone, etc.) and understand what each question requires. This will help you focus on the relevant sections of the passage and eliminate incorrect answer choices.
  5. Practice Time Management: RC passages vary in length and complexity. Practice allocating appropriate time to each passage during your mock tests to ensure you complete the section within the given time limit.

Critical Reasoning (CR)

Critical Reasoning questions assess your ability to analyze arguments, identify assumptions, and draw logical conclusions. Here are some tips to approach CR effectively:

  1. Identify the Argument Structure: Understand the structure of the argument presented in the passage. Identify the premise (evidence), conclusion, and any intermediate steps or counterarguments.
  2. Analyze the Assumptions: Pay attention to the assumptions made in the argument. Identify the underlying assumptions that support the conclusion and critically evaluate their validity.
  3. Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the argument. Look for any logical fallacies, unsupported claims, or gaps in reasoning.
  4. Pre-Think the Answer: Before looking at the answer choices, try to anticipate the correct response based on your analysis of the argument. This will help you eliminate incorrect options more effectively.
  5. Be Mindful of Extremes and Absolute Statements: Beware of answer choices that contain extreme or absolute statements. Such options are often incorrect as they go beyond the scope of the argument or oversimplify the situation.
  6. Eliminate Incorrect Options: Use the process of elimination to eliminate answer choices that are clearly incorrect and or not supported by the passage. This increases your chances of selecting the correct answer.
  7. Practice Logical Reasoning: Regularly practice logical reasoning questions from various sources, including previous year papers and mock tests. This will familiarize you with different argument structures and improve your analytical skills.

General Tips for Both RC and CR

Here are some additional tips that apply to both Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning:

  1. Build Vocabulary: Enhance your vocabulary by reading extensively and learning new words. A strong vocabulary will help you comprehend the passages and answer the questions accurately.
  2. Take Notes: While reading the passage or analyzing the argument, take brief notes to capture the main points, supporting evidence, and any critical information. These notes can serve as a quick reference while answering the questions.
  3. Practice Regularly: Dedicate sufficient time to practice RC and CR questions regularly. Solve mock tests and previous year papers to familiarize yourself with the question types and improve your speed and accuracy.
  4. Improve Reading Speed: Work on improving your reading speed by practicing speed reading techniques. This will enableyou to read passages more efficiently and have more time for answering questions.
  5. Stay Calm and Focused: During the exam, maintain a calm and focused mindset. Avoid overthinking or spending too much time on a single question. If you are unsure about an answer, make an educated guess and move on.


With a strategic approach and effective tips and tricks, you can excel in the Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning sections of the CLAT 2024 exam. Remember to practice regularly, analyze your performance, and identify areas where you need improvement. Develop a systematic approach for tackling different question types and manage your time effectively during the exam. With consistent effort and preparation, you can boost your confidence and achieve success in CLAT 2024. Best of luck!