How to crack CAT in 3 months to be in IIM

CL Team November 25 2022
1 min read

How to Crack CAT Entrance Exam in 3 Months: Tips by Career Launcher Medical Square

CAT is the most important entrance exam for MBA aspirants who dream of studying in IIM. This national-level test is held every year, and to be eligible to appear for the CAT exam, one must have completed their bachelor's degree with a minimum of 50% marks and be fluent in English as the exam is conducted only in English. While the CAT exam is not easy, cracking it is not tough either if you study with dedication. In this article, we will share tips on how to crack your CAT entrance exam within 3 months.

1. Have Dedication and Passion

Dedication and passion are key to success in life, and cracking the CAT exam is no exception. To achieve your goals, you must stay focused and determined. Keep your targeted goals in mind and work accordingly, even when obstacles come your way. Self-motivation is crucial, and the thought should always be there in your mind that no one can stop you from achieving your goals.

2. Source Syllabus Wisely

Thoroughly go through the syllabus and exam pattern for CAT, which is based on 3 sections: VARC, DILR, and QA. Each section needs a different approach to preparation. Cover all the given sections wisely. For VARC, read newspapers, editorials, non-fiction content, etc. to improve your comprehension. For DILR, understand graphs, charts, tables, puzzles, and generate new methods to solve logical questions. For QA, take a smart approach towards the questions and focus on accuracy along with speed.

3. Refer to Previous Sample Questions

Referring to previous sample questions is the most used technique to crack any examination. It helps you understand how the questions are framed and makes you familiar with the question paper. By referring to the sample question paper, you can evaluate, identify, and improve your study process and understand the structure of each question as per the paper pattern. It also gives confidence to the students in the examination room.

4. Mock Test

Giving mock tests is one of the most traditional methods of preparation. The more mock tests you attempt, the closer you are to achieving your goals. Mock tests also help in the revision of the content you have studied. They are the best way for self-analysis and for judging whether your exam preparation is going well or not. By practicing mock tests, you will know how your scores are increasing or decreasing and can work accordingly.

5. Make Your Own Notes

Make your own notes by highlighting the study material as per your understanding. You can quickly run through your notes before a test and make a mental note of priority points. While reading your notes, if you find any difficulty, you can discuss it with your coach or do your own research to be perfect in the particular topic. This is the sign of a successful student who invests their time in preparing notes for their own good. The best way to make notes is to highlight the key points/important points and elaborate on them in your own words.

If you're looking for a good CAT coaching institute, Career Launcher Medical Square is a leading coaching institute for CAT exams and other MBA entrance exams. The exam is usually conducted in the month of November, and results are declared in January. Enroll for the course and crack your CAT entrance exam with ease.