Managing Time Effectively in the IPM Entrance Exam: A Comprehensive Guide

CL Team December 21 2023
3 min read
Strategies for Efficient Time Management in IPM Entrance Exam

Strategies for Efficient Time Management in IPM Entrance Exam

The Integrated Program in Management (IPM) entrance exam is a highly competitive test that assesses a candidate's aptitude in mathematics, verbal ability, and logical reasoning. Success in the IPM entrance exam requires not only a strong grasp of the subjects but also effective time management during the test. In this blog post, we will delve into strategies and tips on how to manage your time efficiently during the IPM entrance exam.

Understanding the Importance of Time Management

The IPM entrance exam consists of multiple sections, each demanding a specific set of skills. Effective time management is crucial because it ensures that you allocate sufficient time to each section, increasing your chances of completing the entire paper and securing a competitive score. Let's explore some practical tips to help you navigate the time constraints of the IPM entrance exam successfully.

Time Management Strategies for Each Section

  1. Quantitative Ability:
    The quantitative ability section in the IPM entrance exam assesses your mathematical proficiency. To manage time effectively in this section:
    • Prioritize Questions: Start with the questions you find easiest. This ensures that you secure those marks early on and builds your confidence for tackling more challenging problems later.
    • Time Allocation: Set a specific time limit for each question. If you find yourself spending too much time on a single question, move on and come back to it later if time permits.
    • Practice Regularly: Regular practice is key to improving your speed in solving mathematical problems. Familiarize yourself with various types of questions and develop efficient solving techniques.

Overall Time Management Tips for the IPM Entrance Exam

  1. Mock Tests are Crucial:
    Mock tests are invaluable for refining your time management strategy. They simulate the actual exam environment and provide insights into your strengths and weaknesses. Career Launcher, located in Koramangala, Bangalore, offers a comprehensive set of mock tests and analysis to help you prepare thoroughly.


Effective time management is a skill that can significantly impact your performance in the IPM entrance exam. By understanding the specific demands of each section and implementing strategic time management techniques, you can navigate the exam confidently. Career Launcher Koramangala, with its expert faculty and comprehensive resources, stands as a valuable partner in your journey to master time management skills and succeed in the IPM entrance exam. Remember, the ability to manage your time effectively not only contributes to success in the exam but also serves as a valuable skill throughout your academic and professional career.

Time Management Strategies for Each Section

  1. Quantitative Ability:
    The quantitative ability section in the IPM entrance exam assesses your mathematical proficiency. To manage time effectively in this section:
    • Prioritize Questions: Start with the questions you find easiest. This ensures that you secure those marks early on and builds your confidence for tackling more challenging problems later.
    • Time Allocation: Set a specific time limit for each question. If you find yourself spending too much time on a single question, move on and come back to it later if time permits.
    • Practice Regularly: Regular practice is key to improving your speed in solving mathematical problems. Familiarize yourself with various types of questions and develop efficient solving techniques.
  2. Verbal Ability:
    The verbal ability section evaluates your language and comprehension skills. To manage time effectively in this section:
    • Reading Techniques: Develop efficient reading techniques, such as skimming and scanning, to quickly grasp the main ideas of passages. This skill is particularly useful in comprehension-based questions.
    • Vocabulary Building: Enhance your vocabulary systematically. This not only helps in understanding passages better but also aids in answering vocabulary-based questions with speed and accuracy.
    • Time-Bound Practice: Practice answering verbal ability questions under timed conditions. This simulates the exam environment and helps you gauge how much time to allocate for each question.
  3. Logical Reasoning:
    Logical reasoning is a critical section that evaluates your ability to analyze and interpret information logically. To manage time effectively in this section:
    • Identify Question Types: Different logical reasoning questions require different approaches. Identify the type of question quickly to determine the most efficient way to solve it.
    • Skip Strategically: If you find a particular question too time-consuming, consider skipping it initially and revisiting it if time allows. Don't let one challenging question eat into the time you could spend on others.
    • Practice Puzzles: Logical reasoning often involves solving puzzles. Regularly practice different types of puzzles to improve your ability to approach them strategically.
  4. General Knowledge:
    The general knowledge section evaluates your awareness of current affairs and general knowledge. To manage time effectively in this section:
    • Stay Updated: Regularly read newspapers, magazines, and online news sources to stay updated on current affairs. This helps you answer general knowledge questions without spending excessive time.
    • Time Allocation: Assign a specific amount of time to this section and move on if you find a question particularly challenging. Return to it if time permits after completing the easier questions.
    • Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests to practice the general knowledge section under timed conditions. This helps you refine your strategy for managing time effectively.

Time Management Strategies for Each Section

  1. Overall Time Management Tips for the IPM Entrance Exam:
    Strategies that apply to managing time across all sections:
    • Mock Tests are Crucial: Mock tests replicate the actual exam environment and help in refining time management strategies. They also provide insights into strengths and weaknesses.
    • Create a Time Allocation Plan: Have a rough plan for allocating time to each section before the exam, but be flexible to adapt based on question difficulty.
    • Skip Strategically: If faced with a challenging question, consider skipping it initially and revisiting it later if time permits. This ensures the completion of the paper.
    • Utilize Breaks Wisely: During breaks between sections, take a moment to relax, stretch, and maintain focus for the subsequent section.
    • Time-Bound Practice Sessions: Regularly practice under timed conditions to improve speed and accuracy, particularly in mathematical calculations and problem-solving.