Personality Development tips for CAT

CL Team May 14 2024
4 min read

The preparation and readiness for Group Discussion and Personal interview is very vital and important for final B-schools call conversions. In addition to these, it is also important to know how to fill B-school biodata forms, write college specific SoP, prepare on WAT (style and content) so that you can improve your chances of selection. Here we are discussing a few tips on focusing on these important elements in selection process:

Answering the questions in B-school candidate/Biodata form- You should try to highlight your strengths and topics of your knowledge area and skill for the questions asked in the form. Be it a question about your academic achievements, extra-curricular achievements, hobbies, long-term and short-term goals, role model, why MBA, etc. always be precise, to the point in answering and highlight the areas that genuinely interests you and in which you are good also. The information filled often becomes a start point for your Personal Interview process and you are asked from what you have written in these forms while submitting them.


Statement of Purpose (SoP)- Many B-schools today ask aspirants to write a SoP word limit of which varies across colleges (e.g.-FMS- 150 words, NMIMS-400 words, IIM Bangalore- 600 words). SoP is a comprehensive document (similar to an essay) which outlines that why you want to join a particular course, how it zeal and syncs with your career and life aspirations and how are you a fit for this. Generally, an SOP begins with giving a brief about your profile, your journey till now professionally and personally, key learnings, philosophy and outlook which you carry, your cultural values that drives you. You should keep mentioning any major achievements and accomplishments that have come in your life till now and the key learnings that you have gained because of your exposure to different life situations. You should explain why you are looking to join a particular MBA program, how it will add value to your profile and will enhance your skills both professionally and personally. How does an MBA program zeal and syncs with your career aspirations, what are your short term and long-term goals in life. How will you give back to society in long run (if you want to) when you are capable in some way to contribute.

Try to write an attractive introduction, clearly communicate what are your goals demonstrate how you are a fit for the program you are considering,


§ Make sure you are original and are sharing examples and instances from your own life

§ Be organised and coherent and have a ‘flow’

§ Be precise and stick to the point you wish to share

§ Be straightforward in your answer(s) if the SOP requires you to respond to some questions as part of your SOP

§ Make sure you link all the information provided, as much as possible, to your interests, achievements, or plans

§ Spot and avoid duplication

§ Eliminate spelling and grammatical errors by thorough checking

§ Avoid making tall claims and false promises

§ Clearly state why do you want to pursue an MBA program and how will you add meaning to the college

§ What are the reasons for choosing a specific MBA specialization (if you want to mention it)

§ What instances have made a positive turning point in your life


Group Discussion- Group discussion checks your team dynamics, communication skills, and ability to present an idea/topic in a structured and meaningful manner before a larger group of people. Speaking, listening, and understanding ability along with team worker are few of the very pre-requisite qualities for an MBA candidate. To champion a Group Discussion, it is always good to start the discussion or conclude it. Good body language, professional dressing, maintaining eye contact, good listening ability are few of hygiene elements of a good GD participant. Being relevant (and not deviating from the topic) in what you speak and topic awareness helps add brownie point to a participant. Speaking for 3-4 time with relevance for 30-45 seconds of airtime leave a good remark in a group discussion. Being verbose or taking extra airtime and not letting others speak brings negative points.

Written Ability Test (WAT)- In order to check the writing ability and thought process, B-schools take WAT test which is generally a short essay of 300-400 words on a particular topic. It checks for your writing skills, thought process, presenting your knowledge in a structured and informative way, grammar, coherence of thoughts. Being interesting in writing, avoiding being verbose, right sentence formation, presenting data and facts, being creative are few of the things that helps a lot in WAT process.


Personal Interview (PI)- Personal interview checks a candidate’s communication skills, genuineness and authenticity, Personality traits, Confidence, General awareness, and interest about the program applied to. Being on time, dressing professionally, right body language and posture, making an eye contact, answering politely, being focused and crisp in answering are few of the hygiene factors in the PI round for B-school selections. In addition to these, questions related to your background, native place, family, education, graduation stream and subject, projects and trainings done, academic achievements, extra-curricular achievements, hobbies, short-term and long-term goals, work experience (if any), why a particular b-school, situational questions, guesstimates, general awareness, current affairs, etc. can be asked. You need to be authentic and genuine always before the panel. Bluffing and beating around the bush is a strict no and candidate should always avoid it. Being polite, authentic, and persuasive helps a lot. You should be ready with cross questions and contradictory questions and always try to answer or satisfy the panel with the right logic and examples from your life.