Verbal Ability Strategy Guide for CAT 2023

CL Team February 13 2023
2 min read
Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) for CAT 2023

Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) for CAT 2023

To prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) for CAT 2023, it is best to start early and create a regular schedule. Incorporate reading newspapers and books into your daily plan for about an hour every day. Doing this will help develop your comprehension skills and reading ability in English, which are essential for success in this section of the CAT exam. To ensure success in CAT, it is also recommended to take the advice of MBA experts on VARC preparation.

CAT Verbal Ability Tips and Skills for CAT Exam Preparation

The mention of Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension in the CAT exam generally results in two opposing reactions:

  1. There's nothing difficult about Verbal questions. RCs or paragraphs are given. You read them and answer the questions given.
  2. You just can't figure out what is correct in Verbal. The most bizarre option tends to be correct.

Verbal Ability section of the CAT question paper can be simple, if you get your perspective about it right. Below are various CAT Verbal Ability tips and the skills that you need to apply for CAT exam preparation.

CAT Preparation 2023: Vocabulary

Questions on vocabulary in CAT examinations may include Sentence Completion, Cloze Tests, Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, Spellings, Words Often Confused and Odd Words. These inquiries necessitate a mixture of lexicon understanding, reading aptitudes and logical capabilities. Moreover, vocabulary knowledge is not just recognizing what a word implies but knowing in what contexts the word can be applicable.

Another way to approach vocabulary for the CAT exam is to learn words by context. Reading extensively exposes one to a variety of words and contexts in which they are used. This helps in building a repository of words and thereby a better understanding of the English language.

For Ex: Having knowledge of the Latin root 'audire' will help one comprehend words such as audible, audience, auditorium, audition, auditor, auditory, and inaudible.

One should also make a conscious effort to learn new words and their meanings. Making a note of unfamiliar words and looking them up in a dictionary is a great way to do this. It is also important to understand the different nuances of a word and its usage in different contexts. Finally, memorizing word lists and taking practice tests will help one brush up on vocabulary. Doing this regularly will build one's confidence and will also help in identifying words one is weak on and needs to work on.

CAT Preparation for VARC: How to Tackle Grammar?

There are two methods of tackling questions about English grammar – the traditional way, which involves studying the different parts of speech and how they are used, and the second option is to practice the kinds of questions that are asked, focusing on learning the mistakes that lead to questions about error detection or sentence correction.

Once you become familiar with the different types of errors, regular practice can help you achieve success in this area. Having an understanding of grammar can be beneficial when completing other verbal tasks, like reordering paragraphs, following logical sequences, summarizing, and even reading comprehension questions, since it can help you to eliminate wrong answer choices by employing grammar rules. The most common questions in this section involve identifying errors, correcting sentences, using words correctly, and filling in blanks.

CAT Preparation for VARC: How to Win on Reading Comprehension?

Having strong reading comprehension skills is essential in order to achieve a high verbal score. The ability to understand, analyze, and interpret text is critical for success on verbal tests. Developing these skills can be done in three stages: understanding the text, analyzing it for deeper meaning, and interpreting the information to form conclusions.

Logic Based Questions (Logical Continuation, Logical Discontinuation, Critical Reasoning, Para jumbles etc.):

Gaining a thorough knowledge of Critical Reasoning is essential for a student of Verbal Aptitude, as it teaches them about the logical patterns of writing. This enables them to read more critically, and helps them with the full range of Critical Reasoning questions, such as Assumptions, Strengthen, Weaken, Method of Reasoning, Flaw in the Reasoning, Syllogisms, Logical Continuation, Logical Discontinuity, and Parajumble.

A recommended approach for CAT preparation is to practice a vast number of questions from all possible question types. Additionally, it is important to gain an understanding of the various topics from which the questions are drawn. Having strong Verbal Aptitude is not only beneficial for CAT applicants but also for those who wish to become successful managers. Developing this skill helps to structure one's thoughts effectively.