Class 11 Biology syllabus: Biology at 11th standard provides introductory preparation for further studies in biology at the undergraduate level and above. It presents basic ideas and principles on which other developments are founded in the subsequent stages of their study. The process of studying Biology class 11 demands the application of scientific inquiry skills and critical thinking. It encourages a better appreciation of the natural world and improves problem-solving, which are both desirable in several professions.
The NCERT Biology Class 11 syllabus opens the doorbell for students to the fascinating world of living organisms built on many interrelated topics considered from the fundamental standpoint of biological sciences. The syllabus focuses on critical areas such as the organization and functioning of cells, the classification of life based on biological criteria, and plant and animal structure. Students learn the details of the plant and animal kingdoms, understanding that they are incredibly different from one another.
In addition, the morphology of angiosperms is also covered in this course to provide a deeper understanding of plant structures. The processes of digestion and absorption are also discussed under Biology Class 11, which tries to untangle the mysteries surrounding the human digestive system. Secondarily, the students learn about the respiratory and gas exchange systems, improving their understanding of fundamental vital processes.
In general, NCERT Biology Class 11 seeks to develop a deep understanding of biological concepts, which will prepare students for higher studies and the use of theories in various fields related to life science.
Class 11 Biology Syllabus: Theory
Unit |
Title |
Marks |
I |
Diversity of Living Organisms |
15 |
II |
Structural Organization in Plants and Animals |
10 |
Cell: Structure and Function |
15 |
IV |
Plant Physiology |
12 |
V |
Human Physiology |
18 |
Total |
70 |
Class 11 Biology Syllabus: Practical
The practical syllabus for Biology class 11 includes Experiments, Slide preparation, Part identifying, and Viva voice.
The detailed chapter of class 11 Biology is discussed below.
NCERT Biology Class 11 chapters:
Unit-I Diversity of Living Organisms |
Chapter 1 |
The Living World |
Chapter 2 |
Biological Classification |
Chapter 3 |
Plant Kingdom |
Chapter 4 |
Animal Kingdom |
Unit-II Structural Organization in Plants and Animals |
Chapter 5 |
Morphology of Flowering Plants |
Chapter 6 |
Anatomy of Flowering Plants |
Chapter 7 |
Structural Organisation in Animals |
Unit-III Cell: Structure and Function |
Chapter-8 |
Cell-The Unit of Life |
Chapter-9 |
Biomolecules |
Chapter 10 |
Cell Cycle and Cell Division |
Unit-IV Plant Physiology |
Chapter 13 |
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants |
Chapter 14 |
Respiration in Plants |
Chapter 15 |
Plant - Growth and Development |
Unit-V Human Physiology |
Chapter 17 |
Breathing and Exchange of Gases |
Chapter 18 |
Body Fluids and Circulation |
Chapter 19 |
Excretory Products and Their Elimination |
Chapter 20 |
Locomotion and Movement |
Chapter 21 |
Neural Control and Coordination |
Chapter 22 |
Chemical Coordination and Integration |
A student must grasp and retain the ideas successfully to get sufficient marks in the exams. In particular, Biology class 11 will include the basis of all learning over the next few years. It is essential to ensure that one knows every point indicated in the NCERT textbook and can answer any question from the material. In case they get their foot stuck right in the middle, that is where these NCERT solutions save them.
They are structured into chapters and questions to ensure ease of navigation for the students. The student should attempt to answer the question personally by referring to these solutions first to check whether they correspond.
Discussing the primary specifics of the Biology class 11 chapters within each subject, it is necessary to note that such understanding helps to lay a confident foundation for further studies. These include NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology, which can provide a rich source for their studies.
Click the tab below to download the complete NCERT class 11 Biology solutions.
NCERT Solution Download
Building Confidence: The students develop confidence in mastering Biology class 11 through NCERT solutions. As such, confidence plays a significant role during examinations, interviews, and further studies in biology, ensuring success is attained within the field.
Biology Class 12To master balancing and performing well on both exams (Class 11, Boards & CUET), you must enroll in a comprehensive coaching program for Biology. Explore and enroll in a suitable program where you can balance your preparation and secure admission to your dream college.
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The primary advantage of the class 11 syllabus of NCERT is that it sheds light on the basic ideas students need for all exams.
The answer is simple: solving CBSE sample papers certainly makes you more proficient in the chosen subjects. It also develops the habit of answering questions in test-like situations.
There is nothing tricky in Biology class 11. Still, some of the topics like plant morphology and anatomy, plant physiology, and human physiology need to be read thoroughly and deeply multiple times.
The NCERT syllabus is sufficient for exam preparation and covers Biology class 11. Still, students can use some reference books to work through a range of problems.
Biology class 11 is not particularly challenging in and of itself. Students must put in a lot of hard work to succeed in it.