Class 12 Board results | overview

The Class 12 Board result is a crucial academic event in a student's life. The Board mark sheet serves as a ticket to higher studies for the students. This year (2023) the class 12 board exams ended on the 3rd of April, 2023, and the results for the same were declared on May 12.

Following the high standard, our students did score exceedingly well in the exam. We heartily congratulate every student for their tremendous effort and exceptional performance in the exam.

Best wishes for your future endeavours!

Speak to our counsellor

CL, Home to Toppers in Class 12 Boards

Amid huge excitement among students, different boards declared the class 12 Board result for the academic year 2022-23. Showcasing the institute's esteemed standards and true mettle of themselves, the CL-tutored students conquered the challenge and scored high marks in the Boards. As always, the smartest and the most diligent find a home at Career Launcher.

Streamwise Class 12th Boards Achievers

Aditya Gulavani

Percentage: 99.2
CL Enrollment ID: 11783110

Rucha Shah

Percentage: 99.2
CL Enrollment ID: 11898152

Sidharth Dugar

Percentage: 98.83
CL Enrollment ID: 11896598

Vidushi Jaidka

Percentage: 98.6
CL Enrollment ID: 30641481

Mrinalini M Manoj

Percentage: 98.4
CL Enrollment ID: 11897451

Palak Jain

Percentage: 98
CL Enrollment ID: 60193944

Shikhar Phuleriya

Percentage: 97.8
CL Enrollment ID: 11829855

Aniket Jain

Percentage: 97.67
CL Enrollment ID: 30522097

Sambhav Gupta

Percentage: 97.4
CL Enrollment ID: 30510602

Suhani Jain

Percentage: 97.33
CL Enrollment ID: 30591134

Neha Maria Denny

Percentage: 97.17
CL Enrollment ID: 30678099


Percentage: 97
CL Enrollment ID: 11912120

Ritisha Sarkar

Percentage: 97
CL Enrollment ID: 11931034

Nandita Nair

Percentage: 96.6
CL Enrollment ID: 11689652

Ritwika Khaitan

Percentage: 96.4
CL Enrollment ID: 11787625

Ananya Jindal

Percentage: 96.4
CL Enrollment ID: 11809126

Kritika Gupta

Percentage: 96
CL Enrollment ID: 11733864


Percentage: 95.67
CL Enrollment ID: 11928515

Vaidant Gupta

Percentage: 95.4
CL Enrollment ID: 11914659

and counting..


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Achievers Speak

Congratulations to the CUET 2024 achievers.
Listen as they share their experience of how CL has enabled them to achieve CUET success. Enroll with CL, and settle for nothing but the best!

Kickstart your comprehensive Boards +CUET preparation with CL, a leader in UG test preparation with 27+ years of experience. Explore our Online coaching program for CUET 2024, and start early to stay ahead of your peers.

For any query, talk to our expert counsellors on 8882-120-120

All the Best!