CUET 2025 Mock Test | Attempt Free CUET Mocks

CUET Mock Tests: The CUET (UG) exam is highly competitive and challenging. Students must attempt the CUET free mock test to analyse their preparedness and take corrective preparatory measures. The simulated tests are designed to provide students with a mock CUET experience, enriching them with an awareness of their exam preparedness. The revised CUET 2025 exam pattern makes the test even more difficult. According to the latest pattern, all the questions in the CUET paper will be mandatory. This highlights the necessity to attempt the CUET 2025 mock test.

CUET Mock Test

Boost CUET preparation with the CUET free mock test curated by our expert, with 29+ years of experience in UG test preparation.

10 minutes 10 questions
1 Attempt the FREE CUET mock test to determine your preparedness.
2 Check your score and see where you stand vis-a-vis the competition.
3 Our AI-led Effort Recommender will guide you with specific feedback.

How to Attempt the CUET Mock Test?

CUET 2025 mock tests are the most suitable and effective means to assess preparedness and take adequate measures to boost preparation. Follow the steps mentioned below to successfully attempt the CUET free mock test and take a step closer to CUET success.


Attempt CUET Mock Test

CUET Free Mock Test

Select any subject across sections

Attempt the free CUET mock test and benefit from the CL’s AI-enabled effort recommender. Select any subject across three sections (a total of 14 subjects).

CUET 2025 Mock Test Pattern

The free CUET mock tests are designed closest to the actual CUET pattern and interface. Our version of mocks is a mini version of the actual CUET (UG) paper. The detailed pattern of the CUET 2025 mock test is mentioned below:

Advantages of Solving CUET Mock Test

Approximately 15 lakh students are expected to complete the CUET application form in 2025 and take the test. They will compete to secure one of the 3 lakh (approx) UG seats offered by the 280+ participating universities. This will significantly ramp up the competition in CUET (UG).

Attempting the CUET mock test will enable the students to tackle this stiff competition in various ways. Some are mentioned below:

  • Check CUET readiness and boost preparation
  • Improves student's speed and accuracy
  • Gain familiarity with the actual CUET pattern & interface
  • Analyse your strengths and weaknesses
  • Get a thorough analysis of the mock test performance
  • Brief insight and AI-enabled customised effort recommender
  • An idea of time management and boost your confidence

Tips to Boost CUET UG 2025 Mock Test Score

Students aspiring to write CUET (UG) 2025 and secure admission to top colleges or universities, must attempt the CUET mock test to prepare for the test thoroughly. This will enable them to significantly boost their CUET scores and achieve their college dreams.

Here, we have compiled a few crucial tips and tricks to boot the free CUET 2025 mock test and the actual CUET scores.

  • Thoroughly understand the syllabus and paper format.
  • Relax and analyse your mock performances to identify areas for improvement.
  • Revision of the syllabus and key concepts to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
  • Refer to external resources like newspapers, magazines, and grammar books.
  • Once attempted free CUET mini mocks, enroll in the CUET test series program to attempt full-length CUET mock tests.

Kickstart your preparation for Class XI/Boards + CUET 2025/26/27 with Career Launcher. With 29+ years of experience in UG test preparation, CL can be your trusted companion for this herculean preparation journey.

If they (1200+ - perfect scores in CUET 2024) can, so could you?
Start early, and stay ahead!
For further guidance and support, reach out to our counsellors at 8130-038-836.

Best Regards
Team CL!

CUET Mock Tests - FAQs

CUET (UG) is the common entrance exam for UG admissions to over 280 universities across India.

CUET free mock test provides students with a free simulated platform to attempt mini CUET mocks and get a feel of the actual CUET. This helps students to check their preparedness based on various parameters.

Here, a student can attempt as many as 2 CUET free mock tests for each subject.

280+ universities (45+ central universities like DU, BHU, JNU, JMI, etc.) will accept CUET scores for UG admissions.

Getting back to old ways, CUET UG 2025 will be conducted solely online (CBT - Computer Based Test) mode.

In CUET, five marks will be awarded for every correct answer, and one mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer. Our CUET mock test marking scheme is also based on the same pattern.

Career Launcher offers a wide range of programs for comprehensive CUET preparation. Explore all the CUET online coaching programs provided by Career Launcher.