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IELTS Academic Reading Questions Types with Examples

The IELTS Academic Reading section contains three long passages. These passages can be of four types- Discursive, Descriptive, Factual, and Analytical. The reading comprehension paragraphs will likely be extracted from newspapers, books, journals, and magazines.

Each reading text is accompanied by 13-14 different types of questions. Overall, you will have 60 minutes to answer 40 questions in the reading test.

Due to the required precision and time constraints, students must build three essential reading skills– Skimming, Scanning, and Reading for Detail. In addition, test takers must be fully aware of the different types of questions asked in the IELTS Reading exam.

In this article, you will learn about IELTS Academic Reading Types of Questions and sample questions for each type.

Table of Contents

1. Table Completion

You must fill in the blanks in this question category, just like summary/note completion questions. The only difference is that questions are asked in table format instead of sentences. Now let's understand the format and skills tested in the table completion questions. 

Format The questions are primarily focused on varied features specified in the passage. You must fill in blanks with specific information like:
  • Date
  • Name
  • Year
  • Solution
  • Effect
  • Cause
  • Outcome
  • Impact
  • Object type
There is a specified word limit for each answer.
Skills Tested
  • Ability to comprehend the core idea of a particular section of the passage.
  • Understand the usage of nouns or verbs, or adjectives precisely.
  • Ability to scan for specific information

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  • Check for the word count of the question and answer accordingly. You will lose marks if you stay within the given word limit.
  • Look out for the other answers already mentioned in the table. This will give you a fair idea about the type of content/feature you need to fill in the blank.
  • While reading the passage, scan for essential keywords like names, dates, etc. You can ascertain the type of feature just by looking at the table's column headings. For example, if a table heading is "Year", then you can scan for all the years mentioned in the table.
  • Check what type of word must be filled in the blank—for example, noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverbs, etc. Writing an incorrect word form will result in a loss of marks.


IELTS Academic Matching Practice Test 1

2. Matching Information

In this type of question, you are given a passage written in different paragraphs, followed by a few statements. Now let's understand the format and skills tested in the Matching Information question type.

Format Paragraphs are numbered alphabetically (For example, A- E). You will be given 5-7 paraphrased statements from the passage. You must select the paragraph containing the information provided in the statement.
Skills Tested The capacity to grasp the essence of paragraphs

Learning the meaning and correct usage of vocabulary 


  • This type of question is time-consuming as you must match the specific information with the relevant paragraph. It is best to attempt this question after completing other questions, as it will help you familiarize yourself with the passage's content and answer the question quickly.
  • Skim through all the passages quickly and identify which paragraph will likely contain the information specified in the question.
  • Understand the core meaning of all paragraphs, as there are chances you might misinterpret the exact meaning of that paragraph, increasing the possibility of errors.
  • Do not waste too much time thinking about the correct answer. Just mark the answer you think is likely to be accurate.


IELTS Academic Matching Practice Test 1

3. Sentence Completion

In this reading question type, you are provided with incomplete sentences. You must fill in the blanks with appropriate words/phrases given in the passage. Now let's look at the format and skills tested in the sentence completion question.

Format Test takers are given several sentences with missing words denoted by blanks. You must fill in the blanks by choosing words from the text. You must fill in the blanks within the specified word/number limit.
Skills Tested
  • Ability to locate detailed/specific information
  • Strategy

    • Scan through the sentences to get a fair idea about the type of words that can be included in the blank—for example, a noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, etc.
    • Do not exceed the word limit mentioned in the question, as it will lead to a loss of marks.
    • Since sentences are mainly in the order of paragraphs in the passage, you can quickly scan through the passage and look for specific words in the passage.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 1

    4. Multiple Choice Questions

    Multiple-choice questions are the most commonly asked questions in the reading section. The majority of MCQs will require you to select crucial information like:

    • Date
    • Number
    • Reason
    • Cause
    • Effect
    • Main problem

    Now let's have a look at the format and skills tested in Multiple Choice questions:

    Format Students are asked varying types of multi-choice questions(MCQs) like:
    • MCQs with 4 options- student must select 1 correct option
    • MCQs with 5 options- student must select 2 best-possible options
    • MCQs with 7 options- student must select 3 best-possible options
    Skills Tested
    • In-depth understanding of particular points
    • Interpreting the core points of the passage


    • Read carefully before attempting the question. Check whether the given MCQ requires you to choose 1 or 2, or 3 correct options and answer accordingly.
    • While reading the passage, quickly underline keywords and phrases and understand the main context of the passage.
    • Do not jump on to selecting the correct answer, as it can be confusing when all options are similar and closely listed in a single paragraph. Instead, eliminate the irrelevant options and skim through the passage to identify the correct answer.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 2

    5. Identifying Information (True/ False)

    In this type of IELTS reading question, you must state whether a given statement is true or false or not shown in the context of the question. Now let's understand the format and skills tested in Identifying Information questions:

    Format Test takers are required to select from the following options:
    • True'- means the passage states what the statement says precisely
    • False' signifies that the passage contradicts the statement in question.
    • Not given' means that the information in the text neither confirms nor contradicts the statement in the issue.
    Skills Tested
    • Ability to identify specific points of the factual information conveyed in the passage/text given in the question


    • Read the complete question carefully and check whether it asks for TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN or YES/NO/NOT GIVEN. There is just a slight difference between these two questions.
    • Read and understand the exact meaning and essence of the entire passage statement thoroughly.
    • Consider the possible synonyms in the paragraph. This will assist you in locating the relevant portion of the text.
    • Concentrate on the statement and carefully read the corresponding portion to determine whether it is true, untrue, or not given.
    • Before marking an answer as 'not given,' look for synonyms for the terms in the paragraph. If you come across lines or words with comparable meanings, they will be rated as true or false. Label it as ' not given ' if you are unsure or cannot discover the answer.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 2

    6. Summary Completion

    This type of question requires you to fill in the blanks for a summary. Each blank carries one mark. There is a high chance that summary completion questions are posed almost 5-7 times throughout the three reading passages. Now let's understand the format and skills tested in summary completion questions.

    Format Candidates are provided with a summary of a section of the passage/text. They must fill it out using facts from the text.

    This task has two variants:

    Type 1: Fill in the blanks by finding words from the passage.

    Type 2: Fill in the blanks by selecting appropriate words from a box of words given in the question. These words are primarily synonyms of words used in the passage.

    Skills Tested
    • Ability to comprehend the core idea of a particular section of the passage.
    • A precise understanding of the usage of nouns or verbs, or adjectives is required.
    • Correct usage of vocabulary, grammar, word forms, and synonyms.


    • Decide whether the blank should be filled with a noun, pronoun, adjective, verb or adverb. The chosen word must fit in the correct grammatical order.
    • Refrain from wasting your time finding the exact words. Instead, scan the passage for synonyms, reversed sentences, and paraphrased texts.
    • If you get a box of words to choose from, first eliminate the options that are not suitable based on the word's meaning. This process of elimination will help you select the correct answer.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 2

    7. Matching Headings

    Matching headings question type includes a set of paragraphs along with a few heading options. You are required to select the most appropriate heading for each paragraph. Now let's look at the format and skills tested in the question of the Matching heading.

    Format You will be given a list of headings related to the paragraphs specified in the question. For example,

    • Paragraph 1
    • Paragraph 2

    List of headings

    • Heading 1
    • Heading 2
    • Heading 3
    • Heading 4
    Skills Tested
    • Ability to understand the central theme of the passage
    • Ability to distinguish between the main idea from the supporting ideas


    • You will be given more heading options than the number of paragraphs. So, some of the headings will be irrelevant. So, read carefully and choose the paragraph heading wisely.
    • This question tests a wide range of reading skills, but the most important is global reading skills. Due to time constraints, it is advised to build global reading skills, i.e., reading and understanding the paragraph's main idea.
    • Use the method of elimination to rule out insignificant headings. This will help you finalize the most viable answer from the given options.
    • Read the list of headings carefully to familiarize yourself with the meaning of headings.
    • While reading, underline each paragraph's main ideas and keywords.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 3

    8. Diagram Labeling

    This is one of the most exciting reading question types, as it requires you to analyze and translate the presented diagram into a few words specified in the question. You may encounter 5-7 out of 40 questions in the reading section.

    Format There are three types of diagram labelling questions:

    • Technical Drawing: It includes a diagram of machines, engines, vehicles, and any other equipment.
    • Architectural Plan: A diagram of a building with some unique features.
    • Natural Diagram: It includes a diagram of living beings, creatures, plants, etc.

    You will have to adhere to the word limit given in the question.

    Skills Tested
    • Capability to comprehend a thorough explanation and link it to information provided as a diagram.


    • Study the diagram carefully and note the number of words required to fill in the asked information.
    • Highlight the keywords in the text that resonate the most with the diagram.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 3

    9. Matching Features

    In this type of reading question, you will find a list of options, usually names of famous researchers, scientists, and experts. Further, a list of statements detailing the person's research theories, findings, years, and places. You must match the correct names associated with a particular sentence.

    Format Test applicants must match a series of statements or bits of information to a selection of options. The choices are a set of textual attributes marked by letters. Test takers may be asked to match different study findings to a list of researchers or to match traits to age groups, events to historical periods, etc.
    Skills Tested
    • The ability to discern correlations and connections between textual facts
    • Capability to identify viewpoints and theories in factual and opinion-based discursive materials.


    • Search for a person's name appearing more than once in the text. Locate that particular name in the list of options.
    • Focus on finding the name that occurs only once in the question. It's easier to answer such questions.
    • Underline the names of people you find in the text. This will allow you to locate the solution more quickly.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 4

    10. Matching Sentence Endings

    In this question, you must match the starting part of a sentence with an appropriate ending given in the options.

    Format Students are given the first half of a sentence from the text and asked to select the best method to complete it from various options.
    Skills Tested
    • The ability to grasp the key ideas of a statement.


    • Usually, there are more sentence endings than the starting sentences. Hence, you must read the sentences thoroughly and understand all the possible endings to find the perfect match.
    • Note that sentence endings need not appear in the same order as in the text. So, read the sentence carefully and choose the endings wisely.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 4

    11. Identifying Writer's Views/Claims (Yes/No)

    This type of reading question asks you to confirm whether the given statement agrees with the writer's opinion.

    Now let's understand the format and skills tested in Identifying the Writer's views/claims question type:

    Format Students are provided with a set of statements about the views/claims of the writer. Test takers are required to select from the following options:
    • Yes'- means that the views or claims of the writer explicitly agree with the statement.
    • No'- indicates that the writer's thoughts or statements expressly contradict the statement.
    • Not provided'- indicates that the viewpoint or allegation is neither confirmed nor refuted.
    Skills Tested
    • Ability to acknowledge viewpoints or ideas in discursive or argumentative passages


    • Do not just skim and scan the passage to get the final answer. Try to understand the primary intent of the author. This is crucial to comprehend the writer's opinion or beliefs.
    • Refrain from getting confused between YES/NO/NOT GIVEN and TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN questions. The main difference between the two is YES/NO/NOT GIVEN is based on the writer's opinion, while TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN is based on factual information.
    • Look for texts that carry a similar meaning as conveyed in the statement.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 4

    12. Short Answer Questions

    This category of reading questions is one of the most straightforward reading question types. Short-answer questions are created to understand the test taker's ability to find concrete facts in the passage. Out of 40 reading questions, around 3-4 questions belong to this category.

    Format  The short-answer questions are of three different types:
    • Answer using ONLY ONE WORD
    • Answer using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS
    • Answer using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
    The student is required to answer within the prescribed word limit.
    Skills Tested
    • The ability to discover and comprehend specific information in a text.


    • Read all the questions carefully and highlight the keywords in the question. This will help you understand what kind of information is required.
    • Now scan for information related to a particular question in the passage keeping in mind the word limit.
    • Think of synonyms for the keywords found in the question.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 4

    13. Flow Chart Completion

    A flow chart defines a series of events in the order of progression or a set sequence. In this question type, you are given a passage and a table with a few blank cells. You are supposed to read the course and fill in the blanks with relevant information. 

    Format You will be given a flow chart based on a particular process mentioned in the passage. For example, the oil extraction process. The flow chart objects will contain a few blanks. You will get a specified word limit for fill-in-the-blanks.
    Skills Tested
    • Ability to comprehend the core idea of a particular section of the passage.
    • A precise understanding of the usage of nouns or verbs, or adjectives is required.


    • Skim through the flowchart to understand the order of events depicted in the flowchart.
    • Identify the part of the passage that represents a particular stage in the flowchart.
    • Stay within the word limit specified in the question. You are not required to use articles like 'a', 'the', 'an', etc.
    • Read every step of the flowchart, spot keywords, and note the links between stages.


    IELTS Academic Reading Practice Test 5